This showed up in L.A. comedy clubs and UCB. Try to tell me comedy is compatible with this

70  2018-08-10 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


If you're not a good person, you shouldn't be doing sketch comedy

No wonder sketch comedy sucks ass

I have to agree, bad people shouldn't be doing sketch comedy... they should make their comedy where someone might actually see it instead.


This makes me feel like we won’t ever get a new crop of comedians coming out of local clubs. How can you expect them to work open mics when it’s filled with people who subscribe to this censor/over appeasing mentality?

La lives in its own bubble, this isn’t the standard for the whole country.

Same with NYC. But yet these cunts devote endless amounts of broadcasting time to discussing it extensively.

I'm fine with watching stand up comedy die out. It fucking sucks.

I have no idea. I don’t think funny is possible anymore.

I live in Chicago and visit local clubs, small open mics, anything to find a single stand-up comedian I can enjoy, or even maybe a group of comedians I’d feel comfortable shitting on with.

It doesn’t exist. The wave of unfunniness is growing, and I don’t think this conservative language movement is going to stop until we have another Richard Pryor type character arrive.

Holy fuckaroni, I want to leave the planet I can't stand this coddling bullshit anymore.

This coming Saturday, Heaven's Gate has a space ship that will be taking off from the Port Authority. If you are lucky, you may even get to meet Marshal.

They were thinking that an alien spaceship was flying right behind the Hale-Bopp comet.

Logically you should put on matching maroon Nikes and kill yourself.

The Nikes were black nigger.

I'm sure you are correct, ol' jsnoots is color blind as a mother fucker and my mind often just assigns a color to shit I've seen.

Oooooooooooooo at least I can pack lite.

Just because some west coast (unknown) comedy queers made a "rule sheet" no one will follow, doesnt mean you should end your life.

But if you do go through with it, at least take some of them with you.

Haha I really meant more like build a space ark and leave this shithole to devour itself.

Thanks for the tips, sinners.

Fucking faggots

But this sub thinks Norton and Cumia aren’t funny? You deserve the new future of comedy.

Only a nana ball washer would think the stale bullshit that he and norton come up with is funny! Comedy that punches down is passé so fuck off boomer and get with the times!

We bash them cause they are becoming what they used to claim to hate. They are even worse than the new shit cause they know better.

They are used to be funny,now go fuck ya grandma .

You deserve the new future of comedy.

all the people getting high off grandstanding how abhorrent and bad Ant's "racism" is are literally the same type of people in the OP's image. they don't want to think of themselves like that and get upset whe it's brought up

Eh, it's fine. The more people who follow these rules, the more people who don't follow them will stand out; and since comedy's supposed to be transgressive more rules = more to be broken.

"The Adam Carolla effect."

Carolla's biggest market is Seattle and Portland, because he absolutely refuses to cowtow to this horseshit.

So you can't call them chicks with dicks anymore?

I was still using “disgusting he-she.” Glad I saw this.

Wait, I need to get this right. Can a nigger faggot play a jew dyke?


Love them kike dykes

jordan peele and chelsea peretti


Man in a dress is Transphobic. Do those damn fascist bigots from The Kids in the Hall know this?

They actually said below that, that the Kids In The Hall did it right, but SNL and Monty Python did it wrong. I mean, that's such a weird line to draw.

They didn't want to criticize Scott Thompson. If SNL had more gays in drag, they would have praised them too.

Graham Chapman was a butt pirate.

Oh boy was he! But he's also dead af.

Oh no, what happened

Oh man woman, good point.

I can't read good. By the second paragraph I was already triggered and seeing red.


Got em

They had to make up sexes so they could make up their own rules about playing pretend.

...did I use the right pronouns, faggots?

(They, them, their)

Honestly I'm confused because I thought that was a big red flag for schizophrenia or something.


Again............Hitler was right.

Low IQ narcissists.

I tapped out at "they/them/their".

the "voice of reason" part makes it seem like satire

Straight man is an improv term they are changing

Lol they say straight can't play trans but trans can play straight.

Well look at the new york times and all those defending them

Liberals are out and open about double standards being at the heart of their ideology

"Monty Python and SNL do a bad job."

This makes me want to give up and join the Sea Org.

Seriously. Tom Cruise seems to be doing alright.

This is beyond retarded.

Its interesting the singled out Monty Python for being transphobic but gave Kids in the Hall a pass for doing the exact same thing.

Millennial narcissists

This isn't infuriating at all...

The line YES! Trans people can play any gender they want makes this read like satire but I know they really are this out of touch and crazy.

I honestly think that we need a return to physical violence. I'm in my twenties but even when I was a kid people got their ass whooped and it seemed to help people act right.

We'd have a lot fewer school shootings if teens would simply bully the school weirdo

A nice 8.6 on the Richter scale is long overdue.

I dont follow the voice of reason thing.

Me neither. Makes me think this could be some kind of shitty joke but who knows anymore

Who the fuck are Chloe Koser, Bloom Davis, & Zackery A. Stephens?

They're as hateable as you imagined

Their social media accounts are a treasure trove of cringe. Here's one example:

"I’m considering Venmo requesting every person who has ever sexually assaulted/harassed and/or groped me to pay for my therapy/ptsd pills. This shit has got to stop and I’m sick of paying for it."

Translated into English:

"I've tried twenty seven different anti-depressants and I still hate myself. My comedy "career" has shit the bed and everyone knows I'm a fraud. Daddy told me that he'll only pay my rent for two more months. WHY ARE WHITE MEN SO EVIL?!?!?! That fucker has plenty of money, he should pay my bills."

these people love to claim that they want no special treatment but in fact they only want fucking special treament



We should really start putting "(they/them/their)" after Norton's name.

They didn't want to criticize Scott Thompson. If SNL had more gays in drag, they would have praised them too.

I can't read good. By the second paragraph I was already triggered and seeing red.