Anudda dispatch for the PESTS!

0  2018-08-09 by PatCooperIsNotWhite

Hey brothaman,

Just checkin out some wicked funny old Oper and Anthony clips

Man, we pests sure have a long history together, flaunting social norms and all

I think that's one of the best parts about being a member of this amazing show's extended family

We are the MOST red pilled mothafuckas around LOLOL

Which reminds me,

Have you guys heard of the Two Repeat MAOA gene? AKA the Warrior Gene?

Don't worry, I hate this smarty pants shit too, but this is super BASED

Well, apparently, this gene is linked by Scientists to violent criminal behaviour. And, get this, it acts independently of environmental factors (WHAT LOLOL>?)

But here's the kicker, this gene is present in Black folks at about 10 times the rate as the other races!

HOOOOOO? I know crazy right? I'm not even joking, wouldn't lie to my fellow pests amirite? lol

I'm not Joe Cumia, after all haha

btw, have you bros heard of this hot new meme sub called /r/billionshekelsupreme ?

BRAH! The memes, SO DANK! You guys should totally check it out, be careful your GF doesn't find out, it's kinda edgy hahaha.



I guess I appreciate the effort, but no!

Stop trying to make that shite happen.

I heard the subscribers of BillionShekelExtreme are faggots. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

I heard the subscribers of BillionShekelExtreme are faggots. And I heard that from very reliable sources.