Reminder: Cokelogic wrote a douchey O&A fanfiction.

19  2018-08-09 by l0v3s2sp00ge


eh it was cute

I quite enjoyed that

At least the story ended with them getting sodomized.


Wow, am I watching Avatar? That animation is flawless.

Anyone who still hangs out with Anthony is a moral reprobate.

There's no way Cokelogic is unaware of Ant's crimes. He knows at least as much as we do about Ant, and probably more. He shows tacit approval of Ant preying on little girls. Fat sack of shit.

That whole 'crew' needs to be investigated for aiding and abetting rape and possession of child porn.

I like the slideshow animation style. Who needs moving videos when you have bland pictures to cycle through.

Reminder: Cokelogic is a douche

Cokelogic is by all accounts a very corpulent fellow.

I thought it was cute and silly :D

god that sucked and Opie and Anthony and Jim all suck for wasting their time reading this and humoring cokelogic's faggotry, I hope arabs throw him off a roof.

I’m an art school dropout and I could do better than this. What the fuck