Fuck you PIG

69  2018-08-09 by Suibu



Yellow toothed failure

Oh wow, a golden cross necklace. I never would have known he was a dumb fucking wop otherwise.

Thank you for speaking truth to power comrade! #killpigs #resist

Nice rotten teeth stupid

You don’t have developed lats, Keith. Stop standing like that.

Invisible Lat Syndrome

Why is this idiot standing like he has muscles?

Imaginary lat syndrome.

He's holding an invisible toolbox

He's as useful as tits on a boar.

His shoulders look like a shitty algebra problem.

These type of dudes infest the tacky suburbs of greater NYC and Philadelphia.

Dont forget rhode island and boston

“Fuck the police, coming strait from the compound”

I thought this was going to be a picture of Dave Landau's wife.

Man this guys fuckin yolked!! And by yolked i mean an ugly aging wop with thin arms that puffs out his flabby chest in hopes that he can fool anybody but himself