Reminder: Not only does their service not work 75% of the time, but Compound Media features some of the worst art to see the light of day.

59  2018-08-09 by lolercakesmcgee



Wanna be bill burr

Yes i love Bargain Bin Bill Burr

bill burr is bargain bin bill burr

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He’s trying to pose and smile like burr, right?

Keith is in the process of outsourcing a graphic design person along with everything else.

He had lunch with one of the young whippersnappers over at ISIS digital, but things didn’t work out for whatever reason.

...and why the fuck would you book Paul Virzi if you had better options?

They can't even get gas digital caliber guests anymore

Good ol' Paul Virzi! Who doesn't remember his classic appearances on O&A? Told you guys that studio in the city would pay off!

Unacceptable, dude. Unacceptable.

Maestro Torrelli must on the 'sauce' (again).

Nice filter, stupid.

Wait this isn’t a joke? This is actual work done by a paid former cop? Shockingly awful

Anthony asked them to airbrush out his dago beak like this but the software isn't up to the task.

Is this a promo for Nickelodeon’s “All That” circa 1998?

as someone studding graphic design, if i submitted something like that i'd be kicked out of the course

You've wasted your money.

Paul Virzi sucks. When I saw him open for Bill Burr, people after the show where talking about how awful he was.

Their graphics guy has even posted a how to.

Paul Virzi is a humongous faggot.

Wait! A bald white dude no one ever heard of is a guest on Anthony's show?!