
9  2018-08-09 by Single_Action_Army


Super accurate except that he was too dumb to finish high school let alone take one college course

Anthony Cumia makes Albert Einstein look like Joe Cumia

Fuck this starter pack is so me

Anthony’s grasp of history starts with Nazi cosplay and stops with an encyclopedic knowledge of 70s TV shows like Mannix. I heard that dumb fuck get so many things wrong over the years. “Professor Anthony” couldn’t even hang with Joe Rogan. At least Rogan has some intellectual curiosity.

Hahaha! A mental midget like Nana ever setting foot in a college classroom is hilarious.

If Anth did any of those things he would actually know a lot more about history. Instead all of his "knowledge" is cobbled together from his father's anecdotes and history channel specials.

Yeah Tony 2 Shirts thinks he's Tony Soprano.

Every baby boomer ever