Keep deleting the TRUTH, Tony Two Shirts, and it's curtains for you!

189  2018-08-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Nice effeminate hand gestures at the beginning, shitdick.

He looks like some creepy hyperrealistic muppet behind that desk.

Hermit the Mong

Kermir the Wog

I'm particularly fond of his animatronic Hall of Presidents-style wrists after his declaration.

Garbage personified.

Damn, he has aged like a decade in 4 years. I guess all that "stress free" not working for Sirius money ages a man.

His looks fluctuate more than a vampire on a blood fast

Yeah, like he slept 4 days straight in Oblivion

Those eyes sure look pissy.

I smell ringtone!

Imagine that in the grocery line.

It's a conversation starter

"It's Anthony from the Opie and Anthony show. Have you ever heard of it?" "No."

As a man who once used Danny's "CO-FUCKING-CAINE" as my text message sound......I don't recommend this.

Oh no that's terribul, oh my gawd.

I'm just glad we finally have confirmation.


Ha! The video of this that I posted yesterday has been removed.

What an insecure pissy eyed faggot he is.

He has Internet Cop Keith sweeping the sub and filing a copyright complaint every time someone uploads it. I request that everyone make use of the download feature and re-upload it when it gets taken down. The truth must be heard about this sickening grotesquery.

You mean Internet Cop Butler Keith?


yup, every once in a while he chimes in. I keep blocking him. Good to know they are still obsessed with this sub

Autobot Master Po

Maybe that's why Joe gets the allowance

That's something that a Tunisian Knife-Fighter would be proud of.

I still don't understand why he's so proud to be the shining definition of bottom feeding white trash.

Because then people will think he's white.

If you want to make Anthony Cumia look bad you should probably make fun of his many flaws instead of isolating the few cool things about him

I'll keep that in mind /u/RapistWithAIDS .

You don't make a good case for the super religious people who believe that homosexuality is a gateway to pedophilia.

At one point when he was at Sirius Ant was kind of a breath of fresh air of honest opinion on things like race and young girls being attractive because they came from a guy with bravado and confidence, it doesnt work now that he's an overjittery nervous and eager to prove his life hasn't skipped a beat Nana. He isnt a radio rock star with a cool personal life anymore he is just desperate and in denial that his relevancy and career is done

Sure but stop pretending fucking young girls isn't cool

When anyone else does it, it's cool

This subreddit had a thread with >100 upvotes celebrating Mel Gibson doing it

Just say you hate Anthony. Just say he's a loser. If you're genuinely confident in that belief, you shouldn't need to throw other stuff in to "pad" it

Yeah the sub was super gay when it was filled with people who hated the old ant for being honest about young chicks being borderline 18-looking and for being a fresh take on a realism about race that the media is weirdly terrified of. And that guy could have teamed up with Gavin/ Luis Gomez/ been business smart and tooo his heat and his career didn't have to die, but what sucks about him is he became this jiterry desperate Nana who is consumed by proving "the r word didn't effect his life" , when it did and his confidence which made him likeable turned into hateability for acting like his 13 autistic emt's he tweets to is equal to the relevant entertainment industry persona he used to be. The sub can be made up of fags but he is completely pitiful. There is no more denying it

Very fair and insightful post

He'd get metoo'd if there was a single person who knew or cared about him. Just some obscure nigger on the Internet, who gives a shit're like two years younger than my dad.

That doesn't make you a pimp, it makes you a sexual predator

It really gets good around the 5th or 6th loop.

I especially enjoy the open-palmed "TA-DA!!" pose right before the "YOU are?"

Or how he keeps looking toward "the guys" to make sure they're properly impressed. Ant fucks women solely to impress other men.

So brazenly bragging about it. He can’t get away with this.

Wish this clip would stop making the rounds. I wouldn't want it to be on his amazon page for the book.

What a fucking garbage family.

Look at those dark circles under his xanaxed out eyes

And you know that while he's fucking his "brother's girlfriend's daughter" he's bursting with pride and excitement. Not over fucking her but over getting to gloat about it to his idiotic pals. So basically he's thinking about men while he's having sex. Which is kinda gay IMO.

Nice manic energy, stupid.

Where is all this emotion and hatred coming from? It’s just a radio show guys.

Linger longer faggot

I love how this 90 year old greaseball plays a Disney "zany" little brother with his wardrobe. Fucking faggot queer

I cant stand his fucking mugging he does to the camera.

I love how confident he was saying this and now he is franticly deleting this video every time it comes up.

nice jim norton lip smack you ancient tranny chaser cunt

I hate the way he's always mugging for the damn camera. Its obnoxious.

He can't help a'shuckin' and jivin'

Ant seems like the kind of guy who would claim to be "fucking a girl" after drunkenly making out with her at a party.

Just an insecure faggot.

he doesn't have a fetish for fucking underage and/or much younger girls, he has a fetish for telling his lackeys about fucking underage and/or much younger girls. To him it's a great status symbol and envy generator, like he has access to sexual pleasures every man wishes they had but only he can experience.

(N)Anthony, you look like utter shit, alcoholic zombie

he's so obscure this won't get him in trouble..just like he's been using the Guinness logo for years but they haven't bothered to send him a letter.

downloaded - hey we should send this to all the stations O&A Jocktobered over the years

This is cut so perfectly. Instead of the incredulous "hey can you believe that folks?" action he intended it really does look like he's waiting for a round of applause at the end. Fucking great.

Ant shaves his arms and bleaches his anus.

His looks fluctuate more than a vampire on a blood fast

Yeah, like he slept 4 days straight in Oblivion