According to Norton, all the comedians on the show didn't like The Great Opie Hughes because he "supposedly" wasn't funny enough to hang with them and always put a stop to the fun by interrupting and throwing to commercial breaks.

8  2018-08-08 by Martillo_Valentine

If this is true I hate to say it, Colin Quinn and Rich Vos are clueless hacks. They don't realize that someone had to steer the ship. If Opie wasn't there it would've just been a bunch of comedians talking to shit to each other laughing. That's just not good radio. Radio should be interactive, and Mr. Hughes always provided the fans the opportunity to jump in and have a say.


Anyone who doesn't understand this absolute fact, simply has no place here or in civil society

who the fuck are those assholes to keep Snowy on hold for a half hour? Opie knew Snowy could only hear a half dozen nice shirt, stupid jokes before he hung up.

"hold on hold on hold on!" music to my ears

They probably didn't like Opie because he's a well balanced family man, and they are in various combinations or entirely

  • fat
  • drunk
  • perverts
  • drug addicts
  • thieves
  • pedos
  • wifebeaters
  • or some other form of degenerate

Steve C lost me to