Oof good thing she has big tits

2  2018-08-07 by peopleforgetthat


Self-obsessed cunt.

I wouldn't mind flinging some good in her hair like Multiple Migs

I don't think i've ever given a girl a cumshot before in my life. Srs. "Right in the cunt" is my motto feelsgoodman

You haven't shot one in a necklace box and watched the joy in her eyes turn to disappointment when she unwrapped it?

I genuinely didn't understand what you just said, but no I've never flung a gooey load at a girl's face.. Maybe when I was 15/16 and first fucking around, but after that nah. Either finish in the pussy or get your ass licked (no homo)

Oh sorry, you never came inside a giftbox like a ring or necklace would be in and gave it to your favorite gal?

that sounds like a norton move to me

that scccumbag didn't like my gift so I took my cashews and left the apartment

I never said I've done it. I was just wondering if you have

Dude I have loads of childhood trauma I barely wank at all. No chance of me doing something like that. I can't even piss with people around. Fap literally x2 a week at most and it a chore. Then I go on rampages once or twice a year where it's easy to get laid because i'm full of anger, confidence, cum & rage

Isn't this why women wear makeup so they don't have to worry about skin breakouts?

Ironically makeup makes your skin break out, which if you don't slather it on like a painted up whore isn't a problem.

i hate these girls that worry about their skin but stuff their face with starbucks, bullshit workout tea and sugar

big tits literally stop being nice at the age of 18-19. then they drop quicker than ms13 during a drive by.

True that.

She seems less funny in this picture for some reason

she spends more time thinking about garage jokes than applying make up

Jim did fuck her, she got his AIDS

Fuck You faggot

There is, it's this sub. And here is your first diagnostic review: too much obsessed scrubbing with harsh chemicals. Wrinkles don't wash off, stupid.

It's 2018. Why isn't there a device that will scan my traffic lights and tell me exactly how hung over I need to be to try to change them with my garage door opener?

I used an app to try an scan my face but I was so hungover I scanned my garaged door opener