The amount of restraint Opie shows is unbelievable. He is a true gentleman. He could destroy Norton by simply stating the facts about him. Jim is truly human garbage.

26  2018-08-07 by Every1LovesLove


Our guys way too busy doing prep for his one golden hour a week.


Jim Norton has a radio show because he rode Opie’s coattails and his podcast character is a bad parody of him. Without Opie Jim has nothing (except a comedy career going no where and an act stolen from Colin). Jim should be thanking Opie at the start of every radio show.

If Opie wanted it, everything Norton does would begin with "Opie Presents..." He could've made that happen.

It's not talked about enough that Jim lifts a lot his material from CQ.

He can’t help it. He must have watched Colin’s act and been influenced.

If Opie wanted it, everything Norton does would begin with "Opie Presents..." He could've made that happen.

If Opie wanted it, everything Norton does would begin with "Opie Presents..." He could've made that happen.

Jims stand up is fucking terrible

Opie is doing the right thing. Drunks love a fight, but you never fight a drunk on his own terms. Wait until they're at a low point and make a surgical strike from left field.

Jim is a firecracker - makes a lot of noise with very little effect/purpose

Opie is a nuclear submarine - he simply hides in the depths waiting for a moment to strike and then unleashes a high yield warhead, wiping Jim out for days. Then the Opster once again submurges - always ready to strike.

Luckily we have yet to see DEFCON 1 in the destroyer... Jim & Nana best keep their heads on a swivel

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

All Opie did was shine the light squarely on Worm's and Groomia's worst traits. He was doing them a favor.

They can either continue to twist in their shame and lash out at him or accept the truth and rid themselves of their failings.