Jim Norton eagerly awaiting his 9 o’clock egg whites

127  2018-08-07 by ProfessorChipperson


someone needs to tell that fruit to eat a yolk it won’t kill him

"Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy. False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both. And then we take the precious and we be the master!"

-Jim Norton on getting his own morning show

Mother fucker. Its five after. How hard is it to have my eggs ready at 9? Is it too much to ask? I'm going to be in such a DARK mood now. I'm just going to sit here and fucking BROOD.

I get into a DARK place, man.

Just had a flashback to watching these films in the cinema as a family Christmas thing. The only time I have ever heard people clap in the cinema was at this thing when he was talking to its alter ego and made it go away.

I've been to the cinema maybe 6 times since. Disgusting

the cinema? Fucking fog breather?

Beware the moors

Its called English. Don't like it? Make up your own language.

No. It's called faggot English because only British queers say cinema or queue or holiday.

You can't even come up with your own language.

Try harder.

You don't even matter In the world anymore, once great empire.

we bred into the civilized world. That's how you really conquer the world these days.We can go anywhere and not have to speak another language.


Where’s the mustard?

Damnit I work 4 hours a day! I deserve to have my breakfast paid for and brought to me!

no no no. Jim's eyes are completely unattractive.

Yeah, worm's eyes are much more dark and beady than this ugly creature's


Beware the moors

Its called English. Don't like it? Make up your own language.

No. It's called faggot English because only British queers say cinema or queue or holiday.

You can't even come up with your own language.

Try harder.