Opie's Blueprint To Victory

2  2018-08-07 by NateJay82

You might be wondering how this subreddit pulled a complete 180 on Opie in such a short period of time. Or how Opie appeared to lose the battle with Anthony, Jim, SiriusXM, etc. yet ultimately won the war.

The answer is simple: The principle of minimal attachment.

We all put a lot of work into hating Opie. I listened to every podcast and wrote extensive reports on how much I hated his show. This subreddit dedicated hours to producing songs, videos, photoshopped images, etc. all dedicated to attacking him. Everyone here put time and energy into hating Opie over the years. Don't try to deny it.

Anthony built a compound in his basement. He spends tens of thousands of dollars on bandwidth and equipment to be able to freely spew his hatred. He took passive aggressive shots that eventually escalated into 2 hour rants about how much he hated Opie on CM, Youtube, Comedy Roasts, Twitter, etc. He even wrote a book to vent his hatred.

Jim takes those same swipes. He went to media outlets and spewed his hatred. He dedicated comedy sets to it and rambles about it on his legacy SiriusXM show. He even retconned his Chip character into an Opie parody and now has the exhaustive task of continually imitating someone by playing a character who is now more popular than Jim himself.

Meanwhile Opie just showed up to work and had a good time. When SiriusXM fired him he went on vacation, spent time with his family, and hung out with his friends. At some point he decided to start podcasting. So he picked up a microphone and took it wherever he went. No effort involved. Just record yourself having a good time. Keep doing what you've been doing.

He writes a single tweet. Anthony cries about it for weeks. He makes a single comment about O&A. Jim cries about it on-air while waiting for his egg whites. He posts a popup show. Everybody here loses their minds. Let's just look at the scorecard for a moment.

Anthony is a pedophilic criminal blacklisted bankrupt sexual predator nigger. Jim is a twisted closeted aids ridden childless twink. Sam is an uncharismatic nobody balding manchild. Burr is whipped by his sheboon wife. Patrice is dead. Danny is in an insane asylum. Rich Vos is playing at the Comedy At Carlson in Rochester NY this Thursday to Saturday night.

Opie has a beautiful wife, 2 loving kids, is still a millionaire, is a blonde haired blue eyed white man, and makes a living hanging out with his friends and recording a laidback show 2x a week.

The haters have grown tired while Opie just keeps going. He is Muhammad Ali and his haters are George Foreman. He pulled a rope-a-dope on the entire O&A universe.

Congratulations Opie. In the end you beat us all.