in this episode of things that never happened:

0  2018-08-07 by PatCooperIsNotWhite


Die, bitch. Fuck you.

dilation want

What in the heck is that?

It's basically a dildo they shove up their newly made "vagina" to prevent it from healing shut

So they're quite literally denying God's will. Far out.

You are worthlessly shitposting a worthless shitpost to people who dont care or like you. Fuck off

This is why I love you, doc.

Fuck you. You are a nigger Jew piece of shot.

Fuck you. You are a nigger Jew piece of shit.


I heard the subscribers of MillionDollarSupreme are faggots. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

The prayers aren't strictly required. The song the mullahs sing when it's time to pray say something along the lines of "Hey, how are you doing? If you have a chance, and it's not going to cause a problem, why not consider praying towards Mecca? If not, it's OK, Allah loves you."