Remember when Opie burglarized Howard’s office, but was honest about it and released the unedited tape and kept his job? It was a bit Opie was doing to show that everyone was right all along about Nixon: the coverup was worse than the crime.

2  2018-08-07 by BenedictJimmy

Faggy hippies in garages whispering with Deep Throat about petty crime. Silly political hijinks breaking into an office to steal a talking points memo. Thanks Opie for showing me that Nixon wasn’t a crook, he was just a stupid fool fretting over covering up a misdemeanor not worth more than a shoulder shrug.


Opie is a lot like Ethan Hawk from mission impossible

Only difference, Opie isn’t a character in a movie, he’s just a real ass brotherman

Ethan Hunt. Ethan Hawke is an actor


Nixon was set up.

What about the time in Boston where they "broke into the boss's office and were stealing the new Aerosmith album," threatening to play it on the air before the label allowed. He warned the cameraman "Don't film this MAHN, we're stealing the new Aerosmith album, mahn."

Let’s also remember who was Opie’s primary concern when that went down: the housekeeper who let him in. Opie made sure her job wasn’t in jeopardy, before anything else. He is a truly selfless individual.