CONFIRMED: Joe Cumia is a 14 year old girl

1  2018-08-07 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Fucking woptard

Damn, was Dawn kinda low-key putting her bro on blast there?

He's unemployed, gets an allowance from his little brother, and uses it to buy toys online (through leftist owned websites) to play with all day when he's not whining like a child on social media (leftist run and owned platforms).

And he orders Chinese knock-off guitars instead of buying the real American-made ones.

What in the holy fuck is this fatass ginzo even talking about? Jesus, early-onset Alzheimer's really does run in their family.

He surely must've gotten at least one iPad in the mail...

Yes, there's a whole chapter in the "liberal playbook" about hating on Joe Cumia. He probably thinks there are libtards under his bed at night.