Opie Podcast Episode #28 - Play-By-Play Analysis

121  2018-08-07 by NateJay82

Episode #28 – Philly: Topping Out At 71MPH. (Carl Ruiz & Ken Cage). August 6 2018. Listening to every episode and you should too.

  • Opie and Carl are at the convention humbly discussing how famous and popular the podcast is.
  • Ken Cage of Airplane Repo talks about hockey, podcasts, and being a huge O&A fanboy.
  • Alpha Opie shouts at the rude background nobodies and the bush league podcast convention.
  • Ken talks about the hardships of repossessing airplanes, boats, and other large vehicles.
  • Opie further asserts dominance by yelling advice and witty insults at the disrespectful nobodies.
  • He tells a hilarious and relatable story about his romantic encounter with an amputee girl.
  • Jealous Divorced Carl tries to attack Opie’s lady skills. A man rubs his moustache on the mic.
  • Ken talks about writing a book, getting his show aired, and his early partner leaving the project.
  • Opie sees the parallels as he heroically held O&A together and bore the cross for the show.
  • “Self-flying drones are the future of aviation. Adapt silly goose.” – Super Insightful Opie.
  • We switch to Carl and Opie eating at a gorgeous old diner. Opie selflessly promises to behave.
  • They drive home for a trip of fun comradery and philosophical reflection on their adventures.
  • Opie discusses the Philly trip, taking his family to Disneyland, and hilarious childhood stories.
  • Carl shows off his driving skills. Opie shows off his huge penis. Joey edits in some great lines.
  • The final 30 mins replays Opie’s entire podcast conference speech. A must listen experience.

Best Moment: A celebrity interview, hilarious road trip, and insightful speech in the same show.

Worst Moment: Only 2 hours and 20 minutes of this greatness.

Overall: ThereIsAShipThatOpieSteersDespiteTheHatersPedosAndQueers/10


Sounds like he’s putting on quite the show. I’ll definitely give it a listen. You know, when I have time.

I find it hard to make time between when I wake up to when I fall back to sleep. But I'm very interested it sounds great!

At least label this as a spoiler alert. I'm going to listen anyway, maybe twice just in case I miss a joke.

You won't miss any.

yes, due to the impeccable sound quality, editing, and production. You won't miss a thing! Although I recommend multiple listens anyway.

I really hope you all die

and then what...?

if you guys like the Opie Radio FREE Podcast check out the store over at opieradio.com and buy some merch. I always put on my opie radio trucker hat and one of my opie radio shirts before I listen and it makes the show even better!

I bet you're feeling vindicated lately

How’s the gastric sleeve going?

Droppin' hammers?

I will be sending a photo of me in a shirt to Compound media on Twitter. Support the destroyer.

You're a saint on ert sir.

I honestly can't tell if this is satire or the real episode review.

The more this 'bit' goes on, the more apparent it becomes as to why we should have loved Opie the whole time and how desperately we need his forgiveness for what cunts we've been.

That didn't clear things up.

Then stop needing things cleared up for you and figure it out yourself, you nincompoop

Go back to your Compound Media sub

Been here far longer than you, Hosp.

A) not Hosp. But let's keep up that charade so when your thinned skinned tranny fucking racist woman beating faggot hero comes after me he goes instead after some dude who was on Ron and Fez once 10 years ago.

B) this sub has passed you by, scumbag. Fuck off.

Sure thing, Hosp

Sure thing, Hosp.

He isn't Hosp, but he is Gay Sean Connery

Thank you


No complaining about black people or talking to boring ufc guys so 10/10.

After 3 months I think it's time to put this play-by-play bit to rest. Opie's shows are just too enjoyable to pretend to hate. Just like the Opster knows when to cut off a rambling conversation or hang up on a boring caller I know when it's time to call it quits.

ME: No use punching at those hater ghosts brotherman.

This really is too high quality entertainment to be giving away for free.

Ok now do the real review.

Thanks for the review brotherman - but I sure hope you ending the play by play analysis was just a bit!

You have become the "Marksfriggin" of OpieRadio Podcast. You just know Stern is fumming when he sees how much better Opie's show text archives are!

You had me at “listening to every episode and you should too.”

I actually listened to this one. Tapped out in the end when they were recording in Carls shitty car. The background noise of a loud car engine was unbearable.

See, it's like the previous breakdowns but with complementary language instead of calling him a talentless moron with tits. That's the bit.

Thank you for your service.

You may drop a hammer now.

Just finished the episode. How does he do it? Opie is back!

'And you should too'

Made me laugh harder than anything compound media has ever produced

I like your out of tens. This one was both funny and rhymed.

A must listen experience

I'll miss your comments :(

I hope someone will keep doing these recaps. I'd like to know, how this trainwreck is developing.