OK, this is EPIC. Real quality subscriber base ya got here guys...

0  2018-08-07 by PatCooperIsNotWhite


Why the fuck did you post this here?

What the hell does this even mean? "Dilation wand"?

It's another word for dildo. These mentally ill trannies who get their dicks cut off use these dildos to stretch out the hole that they try to convince normal humans is now a "vagina". Apparently u/EdguhMellencamp pissed off this other mentally ill person and is now being photoshopped into tranny posts.

What is a "Wicked bad erm”?

No clue.

Wicked bad hairball. "erm" was them being hesitant to say what their issue is. I don't know enough about post op trannies (more of a pre-op kinda guy) so I can only assume that their pubes were growing in the hole that the doctor made and caused an issue. Fairly disturbing when you think about it, these doctors who tell these people that turning your dick inside out will cure them are monsters.

What the fuck

'he' made that picture himself