It’s manly because it has a cross hair on the package.

30  2018-08-06 by RBuddCumia


Joe Cumia is not compensating for anything.

Yeah I purchase every good product I buy off of a politics agenda. This douche doesn’t even know Starbucks makes a point of hiring veterans.

I’ve seen a few even have policies giving vets discounted or free coffee.

This brand is almost certainly owned by a typical coffee hipster who needed a unique branding concept for his company. Hes probably been paintballing once.

This is true. The only thing this company has going for it is their Chief of Staff

"Kuntz" tsss

He’s devaluing their brand as we live and breathe.

Is he getting paid for these? Does he call them and offer to promote shit for free products? Is this the free pizza for 3 grand worth of radio ads gimmick in reverse?

Sorry Joe, but actual " MANLY AMERICAN MEN " just drink coffee they make in the coffee pot at home or get at a gas station, they don't go to Starbucks and they don't go to some faggoty veteran cafe.

They also have jobs

Boomers have ruined the internet

The official coffee company of Army dishwashers

Gotta get the plugs in

BRCC coffee. Veteran-owned, pedophile-approved.

How long before this endorsement ruins their company?

The shit is good though.

We get it Joe.. why don't you head down to the local VFW hall and just give out blowjobs in the bathroom..

"Phank You Four yor serbice!!! nom nom nom"

Wait, Rich was there?

There never was, nor ever will be anything masculine about coffee. It isn't a bad thing, I live the stuff as much as the next guy. Why shoehorn a political ideology into everything. Having to chose every product or hobby (aside from U2) based on personal politics much be exhausting.

GUNS are so COOL because you can shoot BLACKS with THEM!!!! 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸

No grasshopper, they do it to each other tenfold the amounts of your sickest, wildest, vanilla sky-est dreams.

Does this faggot see the irony in how constantly offended he is by "snowflakes". Dude is outraged more than any Twitter cunt featured on a Yahoo article.


This has ensured that I will never buy this fucking coffee. Any coffee endorsed by that dishwashing racist who can enter into contracts probably taste like shit. Guineas wouldn’t know taste if it hit them in the fucking head.

The coffee is bad. They survive by pandering their veteran status to losers like Joe

I can't wait until his daughter gets knocked up by an ebony gentleman.

Joe is the kind of person you see praising a product on an infomercial.

"Wow! I've never seen a lot roast cook so quickly! This will save me so much time and money!"

Stupid fuck.

Beo joe gives young black men blow jobs to settlw their nerves

He just gets all of his opinions directly from altright message boards, doesn't he?

soy-boy safe space swill? What a cringe-inducing fool.

The coffee is bad. They survive by pandering their veteran status to losers like Joe