I'm sorry...I tried to join in on the faggy "We love Opie" irony fun with the rest of you guys, but I can't do it, even in jest....he's a fucking piece of shit.

0  2018-08-06 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I understand that TECHNICALLY Ant and Jim are bigger ones insofar as lifestyle choices, but that can always be arbitrarily changed. It's never too late to change how you live and who you are, but in the case of Anthony; he won't ever realize anything is wrong OR that he's ever wrong. And I understand pedophilia is a whole other can of worms completely, and it's hard to give a pedo any inch at all. I certainly wouldn't want to ...

But think about it like this for second: Ant and Jim have no one that really depend on them. They're alone for the most part in their personal lives, and any choices they make do little to ZERO damage to other people besides themselves (of course with Ant, there's the matter of "giselle", but thats another story). Anything that happens that's positive, they share by themselves, but when the flood comes they're completely alone when they're facing it...

Opie however, has the chance to really ruin and destroy not only three other lives (his wife, his son and potentially his waterhead of a daughter), but to ruin HOW his children perceive other people in world, AND how they carry out their relationships. That's worse, because it's something that never goes away, because you can never know whats really wrong with you, or at the very least it's extremely difficult to pinpoint and work through. At least Ant touching kids is a physical trauma that can be quantified and worked out to the date of it happening. Opie's brand of "trauma" (extreme insecurity, buttressed by dangerously low levels of intellectual and emotional intelligence) is worse, in that he'll always bind them to it, with them never really knowing how its affecting their lives, as it continues to cause havoc to them personally. Even after they identify it and get to the bottom of it; their perceptions of their world around them will be irrevocably changed, beyond their cognitive abilities to do something about it, because their "trauma" still counts as character-building and experience. One could argue that its worse, because it provide less hope of change than someone who's been sexually abused.

Opie is a mess of a person, who has shown that he can't emotionally or intellectually understand the world around him. He's lucked into millions (he couldn't reproduce that kind of cash flow again, but to be fair neither could Ant, as we're seeing now), but with that luck came an unearned sense of pride, as if he earned what he's earned naturally. Plus 80-90% of the relationships in his life he's failed at and destroyed. The problem IS HIM and has always been, ALTHOUGH I'll give Ant and Jimmy their due as well. But the level that they could affect it isn't even near what Opie could do and has done.

I'm sure you'll just answer this ironically and keep the joke going, or call me a fag and say "yes, we know all this we're just fucking around with Ant and Jim by supporting Opie", or just call me a fag. This whole post is probably douchey, but acting like Opie is a God is even douchier, even in jest.

Just try listening to this, while still defending Opie ironically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqcTzWDHlmc&frags=pl%2Cwn





waaa-waaa, baby needs ba-ba

I was all in with you there, but you really should have written another 6 or 7 pages of text to explain yourself a little more.


Are you going to mail this to a TV network as your manifesto before you go on a rampage, sir?

Fuck outta here, Freud.

Sure is a lot of words to write 'I'm tappin' out.'

ME: fawk you hater better keep your head on a swivel i may or may not have my guys take care of you

Go fuck yourself.

If you're going to write a giant block of text, have the decency to greentext it

I did yesterday, faggot