Opie is such a professional broadcaster and man of the people, he decided to form the appearance of a bum to blend in on the streets so he can better relate to those who inhabit the streets of NY. He is New York.

107  2018-08-05 by RBuddCumia


We are not worthy of his presence!

that deli is where the king of kings buys his go-gurts.

He's been rocking that North Face jacket for years now. It's a classic look that never goes out of style, brotherman.

That jacket has seen better days. He looks like he's vaccum sealed inside it.

Gregg Hughes is nothing if not an advocate for the homeless and downtrodden.

He's everyone's brotherman.

Joey Boots is who got me into O&A but he was a mere pedestrian to the likes of Opie when it came to getting a feel for the city, picking up it's vibes brothamen. I'm glad we've all been able to see the light on this one.

He is ... NEW YORK. He is ... NEW JERSEY. He is ... CONNECTICUT.

He just beeing a brotherman to all the brothers, man!

It's true guerrilla style filmmaking. Opie's aware of how heavily edited everything is in today's culture and is bringing filmmaking back to its basic elements. A man and his movie camera.

The brothaman is well known for his homeless work

look at those chiseled features.. the sunkissed skin, the aryan crags earned from hours honing his craft in the unforgiving sun on the beech. the beard, the tired eyes of a man who's carried the weight of so many worth so much less than him. And through it all he never complained. there was always a new opportunity, a new direction, a way to reinterpret the friendships and make the best of what was given him. There he stood alone, a beacon of positivity and normalcy in a morass of self-destructing "professional" comics whose circus monkey antics betray a need for validation he could scarcely conceive.

This is the tired, weary look of a truly good man who has given up trying to make sense of this life and is content to silently, stoically push on and enjoy what he has earned and bring those willing to come with him.

He also grew a fat pair of tits so he can relate to the ladies.