To hang out at the compound, you've got to be a convicted child-rapist like Nana's friend Jeff Hollander aka Kurt Love.

98  2018-08-05 by AnthonyGroomia


Isn't he Bobo's ex-boyfriend?

Hell yeah

He was Kurt Love's everything.

Hahahah Hoolllleeee Shit

Yet another thing Tranpa will never address.

Wonder why?

He and Joe have taken to saying he was Danny's friend and as soon as they found out who he was, they severed all ties...despite Danny being the one who told the sub about him.

They aren't very bright.

None of you would know about Kurt Love were it not for my David!

You'd have all been sodomized if it wasn't for my Dovid!

Another short asshole! Just further proves my point that all short people are rapists and pedophiles at heart.

:: /r/short grumbles, the quickly hides under their child's sized single bed when addressed.::

If you're a man below 5'7", you should be put on the sex offender registry.

I'm 5'7" but I should also be on that list

But what about Jim Norton, are you honestly implying that Jim Norton is some kind of sex pervert?

Little liars! They was in love. Suuuuure

Sodomy with a 12 year old?? How is this person still walking around?

No HE sodomized her

Wow! That completely changes the narrative.

He also beat and threatened her. Truly subhuman

way to disparage a victim. Altough clearly female, she is still a person.

Are you retarded?

No hes right.

Did he have this record at the time he was at ants mcmansion?

Convicted in 1996 so yes.


Because Cumia is a nobody and not worth the effort to type in keys for news sites.

That said, at least locally in Long Island, this should absolutely be a story and cause for legit concern.

Especially with an NYPD officer on staff.

An officer is as crooked as all of them.

In all seriousness, this is a #metoo moment and illegal sex ring sting waiting to happen.

Yeah it's not like a lot of this is rumors or gossip - it's well documented and sometimes straight from Nana's big stupid mouth.

He'll be his own downfall. That's a straight fact.

Another straight fact - it's a fact that Anthony is not straight.

Is there actual proof about him being crooked? I've read about it here every once in a while but never seen anything substantial. Not saying to defend him, he's a fucking tool anyway, but just curious what has he done.

Who is he??? Out of the loop.

"One listener who grew to prominence was “Kurt Love”. He was known to people on messages boards and Pal Talk and eventually started hanging around The Compound. By several accounts, he and Anthony shared a close enough friendship to warrant a semi-regular presence at Anthony’s Long Island Home. According to former Cumia pal and O&A producer Danny Ross, Kurt would even pick up young women to bring to The Compound for parties and to hang out in the pool. There was just one major problem: Kurt Love was really Jeffrey Hollander, a level 2 registered “sexually violent offender”. He was released from a New York State prison on parole in 2006 after serving 10 years for forcibly sodomizing a 12 year old female victim in April of 1995."

Come on........What sodomy isn't forcible?

Ok so to be serious for a moment. Sodomy means sex with an orafice that isnt penis to vagina. So we're probably talking about a oral sex. And im just saying he could have been drunk or stoned, completely out of it, who knows how old she looked really.

This is a pro-Opie sub you sick fuck. Take your pedo excuses to TACS. We stick our nice pieces into vaginas only, preferably blonde ones from Pennsylvania.

Kurt Love used a tire iron to ass fuck a sweet little 12 year old and you're coming here with this oral sex bullshit? Shame.

Fuck you.

You were right there with him mersh.

Only 10 years for raping a 12 year old? Jesus Christ, this fucking country

Honestly he should be fucking killed. Put a bullet in his brain he doesn't deserve to live.

This guy is a real jerk!

Hes a real piece of work, I'll tell you what

A real crumb-bum

Look at all those movies about young girls seducing older men back in the early to mid 90s. Its become increasingly evident that simple minded folk, like the man in the mug shot, are heavily influenced by media and the entertainment industry in general. I want to push for all main stream film and television to be wholesome religious entertainment, with good messages, and morals to stories.

Saying something like that just excuses the behavior.

For as cynical as we are here, we still know the line. Guys like this should be put down like an old dog. Fuck them and fuck the stupid excuse you posted - it has nothing to do with movies.


Wow, a manlet pederast is a close friend of Ant? What a shock.

That guy could get pussy without a computer.

Bobo’s boyfriend?

He assfucked a 12 year old girl? I don't know how these guys don't get the firing squad. Should be fast track, quick and easy. Less than a week from being convicted and they have to forge the projectiles.

Ant and his traditional family values at work. The same values he used to ignore his dying mother for 5 years in row until she died alone. What a fucking piece of shit. FUCK ANTHONY CUMIA

2 level, what, is he horizontal or sumpthin? Tss

You'd have all been sodomized if it wasn't for my Dovid!