During rare moments of self doubt and adversity

5  2018-08-05 by Nulltor

Opie will go talk to his mentor and former sensei, Brother Weise. They split a grapefruit beer and Brother Weise tells Opie he just needs to believe in himself. Then Opie goes off with newfound motivation and confidence and wins the day.


Hey Nulltor, how’s your gf?

The size of a bus and slightly less fuckable. I really fucked up posting a pic of her here.

But at least he did not fully follow Brother Wease’s past. The Opester has only been faithfully married to one woman and has stayed away from the listeners. Erase is on marriage number 3 with his latest wife being one of his avid fans that he met in the studio. The Opester also took very good care of himself by changing to a diet of blueberries and smoothies and getting away from the days of Geneseo coke and debauchery. While Wease had to battle cancer from his cigar smoking habit.