Joe Cumia is so pathetic and uninteresting that Anthony never has him on his show, despite the fact that it's Z-list dogshit

24  2018-08-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

BroJoe begs the world for a platform every day by posting on social media, he clearly wants to be a part of the show considering his awful podcast, yet Anthony won't let him anywhere near his show. Even shit-brained Anthony knows what a wretched fool his brother is. #WhosNext? How about the hiring manager at Home Depot, useless burden


Anthony has resented his older brother his entire life. BroJoe was loved more by their father, Joe was more masculine than Anthony, Joe fucked Anthony’s wife, and even after Anthony got rich from radio, Joe still extorted him based on a childhood agreement. Joe has has been alpha male-ing Anthony since forever

Imagine being a beta to someone who cosplays as a Sons of Anarchy fruit.

I’d listen if he had joe on

I would love to watch a few minutes of some Joe Senior home videos. His sons are such obnoxious, violent animals that he must be stumble about like a retarded Bukowski.


I'd have you know Joseph Cumia has his own subsection on Compound Media. Right next to Jon Stewart (not that one).
