When Opie asked "Ya wanna suck em?", he legitimately was willing to provide nourishment to a complete stranger. Total stand up guy

48  2018-08-04 by TruthWarrior27


Total gay

I'd actually enjoy finding out what pro-Opie threads get your attention and which ones don't. You seem to try lurking in the "new" section of posting to be the first one in but I've also noticed when you wake up, you don't begin making up for lost time and posting on the most popular threads or ones with a lot of posters in it, I'm assuming it's because there will naturally be less of a chance for attention.

You went from posting mostly about sports and world news to reinventing yourself as someone who would get more pleasure out of the attention of not participating in "the bit" and your biggest critique is how unoriginal and lazy it is to just make a positive Opie thread but you simply planting a flag that says "gay" on almost every post the past three days seems unoriginal and lazy, I'd like to know how you deal with that double standard.

I'd like to know if any events happened recently in your life (such as relapsing or loss of a job or loved one) has so drastically changed your character. There are people you can message and get help from (no bullshit, there are actually some good people here). You don't even seem to post in any sport subreddit or news outlets anymore which have me worried. I would assume you've just created another account for normal activities but I think you're to old to have considered that and you do post consistently here every couple of minutes to every couple of hours.

I know you're an intelligent person and understand the bit but acting like this activity will give you any fulfillment in your life has me worried and you shouldn't ruin being a decent member of this sub just for simply wanting attention. That's why I'm assuming you're using this as an outlet for something negative that recently happened to you.

You don't have to respond and you can just call me gay but I think everyone would appreciate knowing we can talk like adults here and help work out some of the issues or insecurities we're struggling with at the moment.

For example, anytime someone posts asking for help with sobriety or even recently, dealing with putting their mother in hospice care, they are given a large amount of support and good will. You shouldn't be caught up in how trends work around here because the beauty of this place is that by Monday, a new meme and posting trend will have taken place. Yesterday was probably the climax. I've already noticed a big curb in how often the current Pro Opie bit has taken place.

I hope you're doing well Brothaman and know you don't have to lash out. I just don't want you to think anything of value comes out of telling people to stop riding the current trend-wave.

If you think anyone's reading this you are gay

That's fine, I said you could just call me gay if you wanted but I hope one day if you have some time, you read it through. It really wasn't an attack on you.

I read every word of this and I wish I hadn't

Well it wasn't for you silly.

The reason I don't post in sports anymore is because I was banned from r/Bruins for calling all the Charlie McAvoy-stallion memes gay. Which they really were. And r/NBA is a bunch of white kids saying tbh, smh, and bruh.

Well, I wish I could post in Overwatch but I really can't stand the mob mentality and cringey attitude everyone has towards each other. It's impossible to be honest about anything and it's mostly filled with people going "can we please talk about" which just means "can we focus the attention towards me and my opinions". It's very gross. So unfortunately, I never post there anymore or even read any of the posts and after a few months now, I hardly miss it.

I do that with here sometimes. If there is a particular meme going on that I really don't enjoy, I just take a break for a few days. The beauty of this place I've said is how much it changes in a very short time. Overwatch will always be filled with emotionally weak boys who embarass their fathers but this place, you can really give your opinion and no one cares. I said in a thread here how gay I thought The Witcher 3 is and boy did I get a few downvotes but those don't really matter to me and I didn't spend the following days reminding everyone of what I thought because I made my point.

Trust me, a lot of times I want to go into the Overwatch subreddit and tell everyone how I wish they were all dead but that's not constructive and the moments where I would find enjoyment out of it would be small.

I don't think it's healthy to try and continue going into Overwatch to call everyone faggots and wish they were dead and I don't go into that psych ward Howard Stern sub to ask everyone how they justify talking about a 60 year old man's shoes when we could be talking about the funny bits he has done in the past. I know I keep repeating myself but luckily this sub is more self aware and isn't going to continue with the bit for long before getting bored.

What I like to do is watch Ken Burns documentaries for a few days and then come back or movie clips on YouTube. I wish I could go be a faggot on reddit all day but I just can't and there is nothing wrong with not being able to. I'm just saying you'll be less stressed and happier not going to those places at all and if the current trend here bothers you to the point that you need to call everyone faggots, then why keep doing it?

Thanks for coming back.