Opie takes the time out of his day to engage in wholesome conversation with his fans on social media. Anthony was caught using social media to stalk, follow and perv over children.

27  2018-08-04 by JustPooch


Even if she was legal fuck him and his miswired brain

Exactly, this girl looks like an ugly adolescent child. His dismissal that she was “in college” is bullshit. I feel like ant’s dream girl would be little orphan Annie with a penis.

I don't think he wants the looks as much as he wants the mindset


i love watching his ballwashers try to defend him on this

You act like you’ve never tried to bribe 12 year olds online with iPads in order to lure them to your house for sex. Grow up, dude. That’s probably how your grandparents met.

It really is creepy and gross. That's a straight up kid.

We've all done creepy and gross things to ADULTS on social media; but under our own name?

Not thinking that his Vine likes would be public and thinking out the consequences of that either shows his advanced alcoholic dementia or that he didn't have much to work with to start.

She looks about the age of an 8th grader, so 13/14.

Anthony should be on a list.

The frustrating thing is that if Anthony read this thread, he would think we were just jealous of him. It's impossible for him to imagine anyone being disgusted by the idea of sex with a child. All pedophiles are like this. Their brains are just completely fucked up.

To this day he thinks everyone in the room during his "as low as 13" outburst are just being prudes or are afraid to agree with him.

The solution is a bullet to the back of his neck.

This really is the creepiest thing in my book. Every time I see it, I feel a chill down my spine

Now to be fair he didn't know other people could see his "Likes". Wait, no that actually doesn't help.