"And I'm sitting in these group meetings listening to these drunks, these REAL DRUNKS, tell these horrific stories, and I hadn't even done anything CLOSE to that! And the junkies and ACTUAL alcoholics there would always say 'Yeah dude, you don't belong here.' And who would know better than them?"

19  2018-08-03 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Remember, Nanthony was also able to sneak a tweet during this AND almost get some sexy time with a seventeen year old drug addict. What a rascal!

Do you think he told them how he broke a girl's ribs, hand and phone?

Drinks every night.

Lost friends due to his drinking.

Lost his job due to his drinking.

Made bad choices due to his drinking.

When drinking in public almost always makes an ass of himself (see the Vos Roast).

Becomes abusive verbally and physically while drinking.

Got arrested due to his drinking.

I'd say he most definitely belonged there.

Yeah dude, you don't belong here.

I think they mistook him for a gentleman with certain ancestral roots, or maybe they just mistook him for a gentleman.

Obscurity Anonymous