Opie cried when Patrice died, Anthony watched TV.

129  2018-08-03 by RBuddCumia

The Destroyer is a real brotherman because he has feelings, man.


So you're telling me Ant's a cunt, breaking new ground there pal.

He used to talk to Patrice for hours on the phone. Anthony invited him over for a cookout once. Also, he grew out his beard in honor of Patrice. He actually converted his own face into a shrine to his deceased friend.

Yeah, that was dope. Grew an epic beard in memorial of his good friend who passed. Opie's a bro.

A decent human being and a great friend.

He better keep getting away with it.

Anthony made him work the grill for free at a cookout. Ant used Patrice to cosplay his slavery fantasy. I'm sure ant made absolutely no off color comments to his drunken buddies whilst Patrice slaved away.

He probably made some comments on color though.

The used to make each other laugh for hours; never forget.

You know Ant's racist right?


I really feel bad for the guy. Opie was so traumatized by his friend's death that he started seeing him in places he wasn't, like hibachi restaurants.

Shit's fucked up

I doubt I'd cry if my coworker died even if I was social with them outisde work

If you listen to the shows after his stroke and death, its painfully obvious that Ant really did feel nothing when Patrice died. He's just a broken person.

Jordan Kay gave his condolences and Bobo didn't because he's a selfish fuck.

Remember when Opie traded that chintzy “memorial” watch for a very nice shirt.

Im sure he needed it after giving Anthony the shirt off his back. But he only made it easier for him to stick that Tunisian knife in.

Also giving out watches that cost as much as a button up is pretty insulting to his fallen brotherman, Opie wasnt going to wear that insult.

So now Opie crying is a positive thing? You seesaws.

That's the bit!

Anthony also fucked his niece at his mothers funeral.

Don't tell Joe. K guize?

Opie stomped a bum's dumpster cake.

Anth had Keith drop Sandy Kane, an old lady.

Which one's worse?

-Opie stomped a bum's dumpster cake, took a poop pic, booked DL Hugely against Jimmy's will, has tits and is dumb.

-Anth had Keith drop Sandy Kane, an old lady who then broke her ass, bit and hit his friend's daughter, multiple racist rants on Twitter, talked shit about Opie his business partner and cohost via texts w/ wormy Jimmy like teenagers instead of just confronting his issues like a man would.

Which is worse?

He also grew a beard for Patrice while Ant and Jim did nothing.

Anthony couldn't even bother with his dying mother what makes you think he's going to give a shit about some obese black man?

The wrong black man died.

Yeah, shoulda been Tranth and not that Trayvon Martin lad.

Not sure if you're aware, but Anthony Cumia doesn't like niggers.