Norton reflects on her teenage years: “I was a cutter. It was attention-seeking stuff. It was ‘notice me!’ crap. I was 16, 17, and drunk."

10  2018-08-03 by SuperToes845


“There are some lovely girls at that table! Delightful! Did you see the young blond one? Woooowwww!”

Sounds exactly like what a red blooded straight man would say. We know Norton is a terrible actor, but Jesus this shit is right up there with "You read John?"


16 and 17 are interchangable with 46 and 47 with him he hasnt changed at all

One of the most pathetic things he ever said was when he was certain U2 ripped off Sabbath with the intro to Sunday Bloody Sunday. Because no one ever did that before fucking Sabbath.

At least they picked a flattering picture. The electrocuted lesbian gym teacher look really worked for him.

Where were YOU? Why aren't you with ME? 'Cause I need YOU to notice ME ME ME ME ME!

“I’m not that crazy!” He adds with a giggle: “I do enjoy cider.”

What a...tremendous faggot.