58 Days until Sam dreads the Metronorth ride home to tell his wife that his career is over before it started

47  2018-08-03 by SamRobertsSucks


He better get back in Opie's good graces... or he might never work in entertainment again

who knows, the people at sirius probably enjoy that safe, non entertaining shit show that will never pose any real threat or competition to other shows on the platform.

This. Sam will have no issues funding whirlwind trips to Paris to sample the Royale with cheese and discover what French McFlurries taste like for the foreseeable future.

The show costs well under a million per year. With 5k-10k unique listeners, plus advertising, the show is doing OK. Plus there are no HR complaints. Why cancel the show?

They'll probably take a pay cut and lie about it

We can all hope the Sam pulls a Vin Makazian on the way home that day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhAmrked-ls

It's 3 hours of throwaway programming

With commercial breaks and bumper music it's actually shorter than Bennington - and that's impressive that anyone can throw in the towel more than that show.

Is their intro still 7 minutes long, comprised of every unrelated soundbyte that Sam found funny over the last two years?

When he added the Tim Allen grunt from 1995's Home Improvement, I knew this show was destined for the big time.

He tries to pull a chris Benoit but can't overpower his toddler

Then he criticizes the kid on his podcast, saying he was unprofessional and wouldn't "do the job."

I pray every day for his suffering.

I hung on by watching the O&A derivatives primarily to watch Dopie auger in. Now, I continue to keep my hopes alive and pray that the universe will do the right thing again and send Roberts (primarily) and Norton to the black hole of obscurity. The cosmos will be in balance on that day.

When does the Erock tell-all book come out? And when it does come out - how many chapters will be dedicated to that sniveling Sam?

It will just be a 300 page buyer's guide to fruity beers and collector's Simpsons figurines.

Lard of the Wings: My Experience as a Fat Fuck Infuriatingly Vague Manchild

Forward by Paul Prudhomme

I don't think he'd choose such a hurtful title about himself

The Piggiest of Bois would block you for such insolence.

I would have to think that behind the scenes Sam is scrambling to line something up "just in case". He is probably getting legitimate professional feedback that it is "just not working out". I hope the Mrs. is open to moving to Columbus, Ohio or Rochester, NY because Sam may need to get himself a gig.

Take a look at the twitter from yesterday when they announced Jim was out and it was a solo sam show. He got shit on by every comment. There wasn’t one comment saying anything nice. I love it!!

XM loves boring radio. They have two priorities: don't get sued and have places where their celebrity constituents can peddle their shit. They know truckers and half the dumb fucks from this sub will tune in anyway so the quality of the program is irrelevant.

XM loves boring radio. They have two priorities: don't get sued and have places where their celebrity constituents can peddle their shit. They know truckers and half the dumb fucks from this sub will tune in anyway so the quality of the program is irrelevant.

XM loves boring radio. They have two priorities: don't get sued and have places where their celebrity constituents can peddle their shit. They know truckers and half the dumb fucks from this sub will tune in anyway so the quality of the program is irrelevant.

XM loves boring radio. They have two priorities: don't get sued and have places where their celebrity constituents can peddle their shit. They know truckers and half the dumb fucks from this sub will tune in anyway so the quality of the program is irrelevant.

Can you post this a few more times, you goddamn idiot?

My phone crapped out