Jimmy hasn’t responded? Too busy filming a cameo that Apatow will cut out of Crashing?

3  2018-08-03 by BenedictJimmy

More important to add another cut to his deleted scenes reel than to make compelling radio. Did Sam even respond? Opie’s right. These two worthless faggots don’t have the first fucking clue how to make great radio. They lack the preparation, skills, experience, or desire. But did you know Jimmy almost motherfucked William H Macy for not saying hello? Says so right on Twitter. vWho gives a shit Jimmy? You fucking fraudulent coward. No one wants to see you hide behind Chip either. Be a fucking man for once in your faggot life and stick up for yourself. And we don’t mean the blowhard you pretended to be to get attaboys from Colin, Patrice and Dipaolo on Tough Crowd. Don’t make us get Esther Ku in there to give you a testerone boost