Ro, she's dead!

8  2018-08-03 by AnthonyGroomia


She was very badly raped you see.

There's a very strong and reliable rumor that Gregg "Opie" Hughes made love to this woman repeatedly over the course of two decades.

I heard it was the only thing she cherished more than hitting the crack pipe.

Anthony did get very defensive whenever Opie talked about how hot she was. As a matter of fact, I hear she would jokingly call Opie the Destroyer after their love making sessions, while she limped to the bathroom.

Nice hotel lobby carpet pattern shirt, stupid.

Not gonna lie I would put in in her.

Like, now?

Whatever happened to traditional family values?!?!

That shirt...

Poor old bat desperately trying to remember who she is taking the picture with.

Ant talked about his mom in a very creepy sexual way.

Of course he also abandoned her in a home for half a decade before she died. Kind of inconsistent behavior from old Tony Cumia.

Nice shirt, stupid

I have never seen a person that looks different in every fucking picture. He never looks good of course, but it really is amazing.

Who is that guy with Anthony's mother?

Especially now.