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88  2018-08-03 by RBuddCumia

Or if you think Ant and Jim are gay,


The Destroyer killed it again. Huge mistake by Westwood One by not playing the first episode in Time Square.

That was Ope's call. He wanted to keep this go round more personal with his fans so he declined the time square launch. Commendable

It would of been respectful for Westwood One to insist more.

Brotherman of the people.

Exactly. Think about how much traffic that would've caused. It would've been like New Years but in the middle of the day.

Fuck yeah! Vos and Colin, baby!

Forgot to mention it’s FREE!!

Look at what you’ve become

I was at the live listening event at Foxborough Stadium. Pretty cool experience.

I played it few times so he'd get the numbahs, never listened to a second of it.