While his empire crumbles, Julius Geezer focuses on the important things.

14  2018-08-03 by RBuddCumia


Et tu, fruit? 

It's Thursday night so Nana's weekend drinking/twitter binge is about to begin

Plus the added stress of not being able to live in denial about his website and opie kicking him while he's down. I hope something terrible happens and ruins his personal life even more

I really hope Nana dies by rape and gun violence by a meth addled white kid.

He should be devoting 100% of his time & energy to fixing his show’s app, but instead he’s drinking and tweeting, like every night of his life for the last 50 months.

Doesn’t he eve get tired of it?

I didn't realize Anthony works for ICE and knows exactly who each child immigrant crossed the border with. Is there anything he doesn't know?

were his gun is

How the fuck does a 3 year old walk across the boarder

Probably referring to human trafficking

Why does he follow so many people that he hates?

Bet you Clinton's website works better than Ant's does. Probably funnier too.

Go the fuck back to Sicily, you gypsy bastard