When your former cohost trivializes your addiction

52  2018-08-02 by Single_Action_Army


Arms are too big

To be fair only one arm is too big.

Too much chin

As someone else pointed out "fake dry drunk" would have been much better;. Like x1000 times better. These fruits have never had it out with each other and continue to passive aggressive take jabs at each other. Dry drunk still gives Jinny the validation that he craves; he was never an alcoholic.

Whadya google angry worm you uninspired zilch

Yeah, right after looking up how to get a jumbo eggplant out of your mother's cunt and asshole after I malleted them in there

You went too far with 'jumbo', you nothing civilian.

Them's fightin' worms


I wish the Destroyer slipped in something about it all being a fraud. Would have been great.

the rock band kiss pushed him down the stairs

To be fair only one arm is too big.

You went too far with 'jumbo', you nothing civilian.