The Virgin Jim vs The Chad Opie

174  2018-08-02 by disawayisthrows


Please someone do a virgin ant and chad opie next itll cause ant to have another breakdown


lol can someone explain to me why i find chads arms so hilarious.

Because they're silly

It looks he's about to throw a football

I upvoted both of those posts but I don’t remember either. How do you remember this shit?

i feel like im not appreciated in my own time. Like vincent van gough or timothy mcveigh.

cut your ear off and then make up the rest, faggot.

He pulled a Norton.

has no crew

has a philly crew

Got molested by Father Doris Still can't find Father Doris

  • Plays Monster Rain

  • fishes in the rain

Norton actually has cried on air, like the bitch he is. It was over Roger Ebert's death of all things. Dickhead.

he also cried on webcam

Ol' flopjaw really got him in the feelings

Worse. He wasn’t even dead, it was over an interview he did with Oprah lol

the invocation of mortality ruffled the little feller.

  • Does PrEP

  • Does no prep

Stop. Please, for the love of fuck. Jim has become weird. But putting opie on any kind of pedestal is fucking nauseating.

Divide and conquer bro...

Or just let us enjoy a joke for a week or so.


Don't rewrite history on this sub you piece of shit.

Opie is an asshole.

Through subterfuge, we will make war.

We build Opie up, build his confidence up, so that he goes on the attack against Jim and Sam and Nana.

Then we turn on all of them.

Clausewitz ova' here !

Opie is our Mujihadeen and Anthony + Jim are the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.

We need to Operation Cyclone Opie so he can weaken Anthony and Jim, and Opie's own incompetence will lead to him eliminating himself.

This is gayer than the gayest days of the O&A Army.

Signed, - A fellow faggot

Why does everyone like opie now, what did I miss? The dry drunk comment?

He’s alright that opie guy. I heard he got a million downloads of his new podcast. That kid is going places.

Kid? Listen pal, he's been fawwkin doin this shit since he was 18, awright?

And now he’s thurfty therf..... I await my hard earned upvotes.

*boring man child co-host

*interesting successful chef and TV personality co-host


The Opie redemption arc starts now

I love it when a plan comes together

This is the funniest one of these Ive ever seen.

"Dumped by a viking" is the funniest thing Ive read in days.

Where did Jim say that shit about ice cream?

April Fawls

Sucks dick

Gets dick sucked.

I upvoted this because it's the shittiest shitpost I've seen in awhile. This kid's got moxy.

Those purple pants