
21  2018-08-02 by RBuddCumia


That's more hours a day than his brother works

BroJoe Vs Regular Joe

Ah whadda I know? Just give me a cup o’ child spit, I’m happy.

More like 'oof', amirite

Printing tabs for his cover bands is a grueling day.

Only professionals read music, libtard.

"C#dim7? Just tell me what the fret to play, stooopid libtard!!!!!!"

This is the level of "musician" I imagine Joe to be.

I highly doubt that Joe can even read tabs. The bass player probably just shows him how to play any new songs they have to learn.

Nigga dumber than a bass player.

U2’s shit is super easy to play on guitar.


More like “minstrel”.

He's talking black again.

These idiots are around each other in person all the time and they chat with each other with retweets like children. Anthony does the same thing with fat Dennis and all of his other loser ballwashers who practically live at his house. Just text each other, faggots.

It's hilarrhea.

Lol this faggot thinks 10 hours is a long day.

Dressing up and playing other peoples' music isn't what a musician does, Joe.

Being in a cover band at 60 years old pretty much says "I want to feel what it's like to be in a successful band, tour the country, but without the hard work like writing our own material".

Being in a cover band at 60 years old pretty much says "I want to know what it's like to be in a successful band, tour the country, but without the hard work like writing our own material".

Tour the [old man bars around one particular region of one state in the] country.