Hating Opie is so 2017

20  2018-08-02 by abstractbh

Anyone who is anyone is down with the Opie love. Time to quit being a lambchop and start being a brothaman. btw it's Opieradio not Opieraqio.


I don’t know, I’m listening to his newest podcast now....he’s still fucking awful. There’s a little bit of Roland bashing with zoo crew gets involved in. I’m punching out soon, but yeah, he’s still terrible at radio.

Now that all 3 of them are bad at radio I think it's a question about who does less child fucking and addict larping. Grapefruit beers aren't so bad when compared to buying 14 year olds ipads.

Jim had to get his stomach pumped because the grapefruit he ate for breakfast was a little too ripe, possibly the juice had fermented

Opie has tremendous tits and is a curator of incredible conversation. I’m all in on the Brotherman. Fuck Ant and fag Jimmy

He's always been full of shit, egotistical, narcissistic and boring.

However, if he starts shitting on people and being really, really mean again I'll be somewhat back on board.

I gave his podcast a try and noped out by episode 4 cuz it was just sooooo boring and unfunny.

listen to a single one of his podcasts before you post your mind numbingly uninformed opinions.

fuck listening even just read the fucking rundowns

Now that all 3 of them are bad at radio I think it's a question about who does less child fucking and addict larping. Grapefruit beers aren't so bad when compared to buying 14 year olds ipads.