Opie still sucks, but is he winning us over by trashing the worm and Nana Cumia?

52  2018-08-02 by disawayisthrows

The man has got balls, I'll give him that.




Feed the ego, pull the puppet strings.

Why isn't this subreddit actively retweetinng that dullard's tweets in an attempt to fuel the fire? Why aren't we informing Titti boi of Jimmy's relationship with an aging Scandinavian man?

We should be building him up, so we can tear him down again.

As much as I hate Opie significantly more than Nana or Worm the idea of selectively pumping one of them up at certain intervals in order to take out the whole group is fantastic. If we could somehow turn Nana against Worm that'd be ideal.

I love Opie now.

Dude, divide and conquer.

Why haven't we been doing this all along?

Someone here should make a meme trashing/comparing the three men.

At the end of the day, opie is a multimillionaire, with a brand new apartment, a beach home, loving children and a gorgeous blonde bombshell of a wife.

Cumia is a depressed alcoholic with a failing business empire, and pays an underage girl to be his significant other after his trans boyfriend left him.

Jim is a depressed wannabe alcoholic with a failing radio show on faction talk, and pays a mentally ill Scandinavian man to violently assault him.

The Chad Opie vs the Virgin Worm

It's been done. Check it sir spit lord.

Nicely done

Why haven't we been doing this all along?

Still holding out hope Ant and Jim would bother being funny again. Time wasted spent giving too many free passes.

a gorgeous blonde bombshell of a wife.

Alright let's slow down

ME: Don't mess wit the Hughes Boys.

Or the Philly crew.

We’re all in with the Opster, nice try with the hate though


Leave it alone.


Balls for shit talking on twitter?

No. They are all just embarrassing themselves constantly in a public forum. It's all there is left for these old fags. Filming Roland taking a shit took more balls than pointing out that Anthony is a drunk and Jimmy is a miserable faker.

It really isn't fair that Opie called Jim a "dry drunk" without eve...

Someone struggling with dry drunk syndrome may still maintain strained relationships with their loved ones. They may still suffer from unhealthy habits, both internally and externally. In short, while they may have quit drinking, the individual has yet to deal with the emotional baggage that led them to alcohol in the first place.


For me it's partly selective hate and what I feel will yield the best results in respect to shitposting. In this particular case it is better to back Opie and pile onto Jim and Ant. That being said, he's never going to actually win me over to anything, but after him remaining silent for so long and ignoring the endless and petty passive aggressive bullshit coming from Ant and Jim, I would like to see tits come out on top at least once. But when this new saga is officially over, it'll be back to hating them all equally for me.

I can’t listen to the show but I enjoy reminding nanas fans that opie got a million downloads and nana gets under 1000 listeners every day.

Speak for yourself, AntH could rape a baby to death on his next live show and Jimmy could rape my dog, it won't make Opie any less of a petty, delusional bag of shit.

This has always been and will continue to be a pro-Opie sub

Gregggg was never the problem in the end, SNIFF

It's like he has a multimillion dollar debt and the sold his 3 cars to payoff part of it.

We appreciate it but he's still waist deep and we all know he'll be always in the red.

Tits and balls?

Jim should love him.

Yes you're all tweens who love drama


Stop relying on the group to tell you how to feel. This is why you guys think you hate everything, because you're afraid you might get called a fag by a niche group of fags on the internet for actually enjoying

Leave it alone.


fez > chip > falcone > jim > ant > opie

It's taken almost 25 years, but it's Opie's time to shine. Great long game he's playing here.

leave it alone. Sniff.


are you gonna be this subs lil’ reporter?

Can't wait to see this month's POWER RANKINGS brothaman!

no your all just dip shits who side with anyone joining in on your hate fest because its all you have in life.

it's way more fun this way

no he is not.

Did anyone here ever listen to The Biggest Problem in the Universe?

It was a podcast with Maddox the slightly funny internet guy from the early 2000s and Dick Masterson this hilarious dude who went on Dr Phil as a goof pretending to be a stereotypical male chauvanist (hilariously Dr Phil makes a big show and dance of saying "he's not an actor, he's not a plant", because he actually wasn't in on it and thought it was as real as the audience did).

Maddox had the book about rating children's artwork saying it was awful and had a webpage since the 90s full of rants that ranged from shit to pretty funny.

Anyway that Biggest Problem podcast was relatively popular for a while, I think around 2015-16 but then after about 100 episodes all of a sudden there was a mysterious falling out and the show ended.

Dick Masterson went on to create a new podcast and nothing much was said about it for a while. I can't remember the exact chronology but after a few episodes something got Dick pissed off so he started revealing all the behind the scenes gossip everyone was speculating about why the Biggest Problem disappeared when it was popular at the time.

Then Maddox released a video claiming Dick is the mysterious hacker 8chan and he has a personal rape list on there, which was surprisingly debunked, then this hilarious random dude came out of nowhere who is basically the Chip/Opie character in this scenario and he called himself "Madcucks". Then the real Maddox sued him for $20million (literally) and then a bunch of other shit happened but I eventually stopped listening when the hot goss slowed down. Dick's Patreon is now still at $20,000 a month (I remember it was 60k at one stage at the height of the drama) and last I heard I think Maddox released a career ruining book because it sold so few copies. If you're looking for new podcasts you should definitely listen to the progression from the start of Biggest Problem and the progression to The Dick Show because it kept me going for a couple years.

But anyway, my point is...the key is to use the hot goss to your advantage. The Dick Show was just half of The Biggest Problem in the Universe until Dick started calling out Maddox for all his bullshit and reading some cringey love letter he read and all that sort of shit.

Opie doesn't have much hope unless he follows this same path. If he gets Jim to kill himself by revealing embarrassing secrets it would be awesome. Or if it then encouraged Jim to lose it and start revealing shit about Opie. This could be a new golden era


He’s got balls? He’s rich as fuck...fired...and hosts a podcast no one listens to. He insulted Jimmy...not sure how that took guts.

Opie still...and always will...suck a fat one.

Call me crazy, i like the guy who doesn't fap to cp.