Stanhope Not a Fan if Opie (or Anthony or Jimmy?)

96  2018-08-02 by JimmyMcNultyKU


I hope Anthony will be dumb enough to respond to this so we can watch Stanhope eviscerate him.

Anthony’s smart enough to realize, clearly unlike some people here, that Stanhope’s just mocking the guy he’s replying to saying he doesn’t care what fans like him think.

Anthony was stupid enough to bait Opie into revealing CP Media's sub numbers.

Anthony was stupid enough to have a twitter war with Lord M.

Anthony was stupid enough to lose his dream job.

When it comes to stupidity, Anthony is stupid enough!

But when it comes to less pornstars, racial rantings, and wrestling talk, You can always count on the Opster to beSmart Enough. This fall power rankings, vote Gregg “Opie” Hughes for r/Opie&Anthony HNIC.

Anthony was stupid enough to take a guy’s cock in his ass and then call him a just a friend.

Anthony was stupid enough to like a 13 year old girl's Vines, not knowing it was public info.

We should send him one of Nana's books, I'd love to read his review

We don't hear from M nearly enough these days.

Honestly sir, if at this point you still believe anything Opie says then we’re just gonna need to agree that I’m right and you’re a rube. Directly after that he said he has over a million views and is getting an average of 45K views per episode. Also Sirius has tried to get him back and that episode w/ him and Artie is happening any day now. Just waiting on the directions last I heard.

Opie was only wrong in that he believed Keith's CP Media sub count number was that high, and it's much lower now.

I’m not contesting CPM’s numbers. I couldn’t care less. I do know however that Opie is a pathological liar especially is situations like todays cute little girlie Twitter war... so I personally do not believe that tweet.

Don’t say sir. It makes you sound like a faggot, no matter what the context.

I couldn’t care less what you think, sir.


Stanhope isn’t nearly as funny as Anthony.

*retarded fanbase

Its probably a sfw way of saying that on Twitter

Maybe, maybe not.

*truncated rectum

I think he’s saying that this sub is filled with losers. But we knew that.

100% that's what he's saying. I'll lick Bingos ass then put every fork in his kitchen in my mouth

I'm friends with Michael Rooker's son so i can set that up

I'm all in. The horror he will experience when after twirling spaghetti onto his fork he notices just before it hits his mouth a short course blue ass hair coagulating with the parmesan cheese.

he's also saying he likes us better than opie and the shit crew

Sarcastically. He's saying it sarcastically

No he’s not you autistic boob.

must be the mexican't side of his brain


Knowing Doug's weak sex drive and Bingos penchant for fucking strangers your odds are actually pretty good..

Seriously, the fucking sarcasm detectors on this subreddit are dogshit.

I'd write a rant, but I am late for my shift at Panera Bread.

Stanhope has praised all three of them multiple times. I wonder what happened.

Anthony better strengthen up his shitpussy.

Sometimes I stick a baby carrot up my ass and I walk around all day just suckling on the motherfucker

Stanhope's best bit from his last throughly great album. I fuckin love that bit.

I think that's the weakest album...really like the last few new ones, among his best.


We call it gettin' the blood diamond

Well that wasn’t very nice

Well, don't leave us in suspense.

I believe his point is that this sub is filled with Doug Stanhopes.

Worthless mentally ill gal pal that he exploits slips into a coma and this wet brained has been celebrated by flying to LA to have a slumber party with Johnny Depp and do coke with Marilyn Manson and get comedically blown the fuck off the stage by Bill Burr. All that talent and when he dies all he’ll be remembered for is as the guy in the Mr. Furley suits from the Girls Gone Wild infomercials. What a waste.

That Hillary Clinton worshipping Gretchen Baer is the worst of all of the broads Stanhope hangs out with.

That is the most questionable thing about the man. And him taking the high road and not laying into Jim Jefferies

comedians never attack each other, Carlos Mencia was a rare exception. And that was more than likely because of roid rage on Rogan's part.

Stanhope has repeatedly said even now that Louis CK has never jacked off in front of any woman. And that Johnny Depp never beat his wife, despite being wrong on both accounts.

Stanhope also has a retarded obsession with Bisbee despite his obnoxiously hypocritical anti-nationalism views. He also would whine day and night about religion and AA, but shuts the fuck up if any colored person starts talking about jesus or how great AA is.

comedians are spineless as shit, and the guy with one of the worst spines might be Stanhope. He hated Dr. Drew and the Bar Rescue guy, but suddenly shuts the fuck up once they reach out to him. he praises Dr. Drew and Jon Taffer more than he does his own father.

like fucking hell, at least Norton actually confronts people he rants about every once in awhile. You don't see Norton paling around with Nancy Grace.

Stanhope also has a retarded obsession with Bisbee despite his obnoxiously hypocritical anti-nationalism views.

What's the hypocrisy there?

He guest starred on bar rescue. He mentioned the guy in a bit about "reality show villians"

Said Dr Drew was too nice of a guy to really shit on

I don't get the comparison. Jimmy would gargle Derek Jeter's nutsack for a selfie (or just for the taste)

Yeah and Taffer has since blocked him cuz of him calling him a faggot

He didn't say Louis never jacked in front of chicks, he said that all comedians do it all the time to pump eachother up or to "step to" eachother. I don't think he's obsessed with Bisbee....he's left alone there and it seems like a nice small place.

Morgan Murphy has been doing the same jokes for the last 15 years, the stanhope podcast turned to shit when she made him get woke


Nice “if”, stupid

the internal dialog of literally 95% of the people Jim Norton takes picture with

Hate to break it to ya, but he's joking

Can't tell if this sub is full of that many autistics, or if we're pretending Stanhope was serious.

Stanhope is a real alcoholic, he drinks throughout the day and all nigh. Unlike Nana who just has a night cap and is now suffering from the early onsets of alcohol induced dementia.

anyone who takes pride in being an alcoholic is a loser

Stanhope is a loser; he's said a few funny things and his stand up wasn't terrible but he's a clone of every other west-side washed up LA comic at this point. His personal views would have been considered edgy or interesting in the 60s but he's just a boring old wetbrain at this point. He's been on UK television talking shit about the USA & sucking up to us limeys so I have about the same respect for him and Jim Jeffries. He's an unprincipled alcoholic with the same worldview as every rich person in LA and hangs around hippies all day. Also his disgusting girlfriends definitely has an extremely smelly pussy.

Stanhope is a brave dude, i can link you to some baste Stanhope if you want

but he has changed for the worse the past few years

If you want i'll deff have a look but yeah he just seemed like every other LA comic to me. Without the booze how many people would actually be interested in Stanhope, you know what I mean? People love the whole 'drunk struggling contrarian comedian' persona shit but he's a forlorn sight if you ask me; he just slurs and rants like a drunk George Carlin or Bill Hicks. We get it, you hate everything. Guy has legit issues - no doubt - but I just didn't like his latest stand up stuff.

naw, trust me, doug is closer to sam in his early shit, than most comedians i know

i will send you some bits when i get a chance

but i really hate his new stuff too


i will no longer be sending you clips

you sonovabisch

I want to put Michaelangelo's tiny package in my mouth

Then you're the fuckup. His new shit is genius.

If that shit was genius to you, you are pretty retarded Watch Joe Rogan it's on your level maaan

Rogan sucks

Nana doesn't just have a "nightcap", she drinks Bud Light by the god damn case, and that's her way of justifying her drinking. She'll drink Jack/Captain and coke when she's out and about, because it gives her the illusion of moderation. Plus all the Xanax...

Stanhope is the man

Everyone involved in this, including op, has no idea how to proofread before they hit send.

I wonder how many times you proofread that before posting ;)

I've always liked Stanhope but his softy wishy washy handlings of both 2016 politics and the Yamaneeka encounter have soiled him in my eyes. Also that he doesn't want to fuck his girl and lets her fuck other guys because he can't get hard.

I'll take Ant's real racism over Doug's shouting, "Black woman!" repeatedly when Yameater walks into the studio, and somehow thinking that he's not every bit the racist Ant is.

Anthony Cumia's racism is the one facet of himself of which he's SLIGHTLY self-aware.

Doug ain't racist, he was just messing with her and she couldn't handle it.

He's every bit the racist Ant is, he just thinks his politics allow him to publically treat black people like shit.

And the sad thing is that people like you prove that he's right.

That's the only instance I can think of and she's barely a person.

Stanhope should be the permanent number 1 in the una universe power rankings

This ironically coincides with the discussion. *Doug gives Jimmy props for being funny while also annoyingly looking at his dumb phone.

Not much coming from Stanhope, the last good thing he did was do drugs with his mother and tell people about it

He's put out two books in two years and a podcast every week and his new specials are epic

I said “good” sir.

They're better than good. He's fucking amazing. I'd thought Beer Hall Putsch would have been enough to convince people.

This guy just isn't funny

Sorry to spoil the fun gang but he didn’t misspell retard. Retread means in urban dictionary "someone with their heads up their ass" and he hashtagged eat shit.

Remember when Stanhope shit all over AA and jimmy got his panties in a bunch? Fucking good times.

when was that

Why can no one spell anything here

He spelled retard wrong

Fitzsimmons doesn't like O&A either, he had Kevin Pollak on his show a year or two ago and Pollak was lobbying hard for O&A, but Fitz was like "I just dont like them or think they're funny."

Who cares? Fitzsimmons is a boring fag from Fairytown. Nothing worse than a Westchester pussyboy who can’t decide if he’s pretending to have a Bronx Irish attitude or faking an L.A. sensibility. His comedy has never risen above mildly amusing.

Hearing him talk on Stern about all the fights he used to get into when he was young was so fucking gay. No one believes you were the toughest 5'6 boy on the block, Greg.

If that comic book character Jesus actually existed, I imagine he would have been a lot like Stanhope. Apologies for being a sincere nigger-faggot earlier.

Johnny Depp's lapdog. Can't believe people still like this cringey faggot.

I'm all in. The horror he will experience when after twirling spaghetti onto his fork he notices just before it hits his mouth a short course blue ass hair coagulating with the parmesan cheese.

I said “good” sir.