We got ourselves a radio war.... no wait.. we have two old guys fighting over their awful, unpopular platforms.

52  2018-08-01 by RBuddCumia


1:43 to see a man co-running an online streaming service using the trusty "hunt and peck" style of typing.

There's a desktop with a keyboard in front of him, and he's pecking away on an Ipad. This is why you shouldn't let a retarded ex-cop run your media empire.

Nigga was playing Candy Crush

Someone needs to timestamp the Opie shit so I don't have to hear this cunt grumble over stuff he made no effort towards fixing.

I don’t watch these things, I just post them, brotherman.

Some jabroni in the YouTube comments did it. It starts at 12:50.

Thank you.

Landau seems like the type of guy who has his wife chew him out in public and he just stands there, looking down at his shoes saying, “yes, dear.”

Nah dude, not with that totally rebellious 16 year old pop punk hairdo.

I fucking hate his face.

If Mr. Landau's wife chewed him, he would never get out

"I get so pissed off... I just get... every day is Twitter." - Anthony Cumia

Well said , wet brain.

And yet he keeps going back to it

But he’s told us so many times that he “doesn’t care”

Why would you timestamp it, op? It's not like we all hate Anthony and don't want to here him babble like an old fool for an hour. No, you have to be the first one to post it so you can get all your sweet up arrows. Fag.

Dave Landau fake laughing is the worst.

Dave Landau is the worst.

Dave Landau’s fat wife is the worst

Dave Landau's fat wife thinks the scale is the worst

He sounds insane. What a complete fuck up.

40+ minutes of rambling & he never addresses his subscriber numbers, that old nigger got triggered.

Yeah. If it was anything remarkable he’d be saying things like “95,000 paying customers and they can’t get this working?!?”

Ant is creating drama because he is losing all his subscribers?

Tony One Shirt, DOWNSIZING

He defaulted on his payments to the GAP.

Nope. Black button up shirt unbuttoned over dark navy blue t-shirt. Nice try wit da hate tho.

All I can think of when watching that is that Ant is under completely different lighting and focus than everything else, including the other host

It's been brought up before with screenshots. Nana actually employs people to make him look less hideous in 240p.

"Keith is doing his best." This would be a great epiphany for any smart business owner, turning out a below average product.

Translation: "Please don't blame me. Yeah he's fucking up constantly, but I'm too much of a pussy to confront him about it."

This is truly Keith's best effort and that's sad

Adam Carolla, in happier days:

"If that's your best, you're fired. Do MY Best."

Man! You are one pathetic loser, Tranpa

No offense

Almost an hour of this wet-brained babbling. Somebody made the claim you got one hundred thousand subscribers and another person said, "Nah, he doesn't even have a fifth of that. They told me 18,000."

Well, just show the proof of how many paid subscribers you got and how many do it for a year, half a year or per month and total it all up. Don't babble and bitch about Opie for an hour without putting some facts and figures and data on the table.

He's triggered as shit because he's under 20K subscribers and dropping and all the website and app shit is the perfect reason for people to drop their support, even the fans.

"Look, I'm a huge fan of Anthony but his product just doesn't work. Its faulty. I can't pay for it in this state."

We’re two guys that were syndicated across the USA reaching millions of people per day and making millions of dollars each. We sounded really good and were funny and relevant, kinda like now.. oh wait.

..Well at least we still have our youthful good looks and the respect of our fan base that we spent 20 years building..

2:55 Anthony suggests Scorch would be his announcer in an alternative future.

I can't believe you were able to clip this. I've heard he's had a couple problems with his service

Christ, this is obscure.

This is hot news! I can see the headlines now:


12:50 timestamp if you don't feel like sitting through 12;50 of dreck.

If you feel like that I'd suggest not watching it at all.

Anthony’s transformation to Scorch is almost complete. Why not just say you have 10mil subscribers?

"For those of you new to the Anthony Cumia Show..."

There is NO ONE watching this shit that don't know about Opie and Anthony.

Company going down? Better distract everyone with some Opie drama.

Everyone is saying to skip the first 12 minutes but the whole thing is GOLD. You can tell by how genuine Dave Landwho? is laughing

He says Keith is working hard on fixing it and it cuts to Keith typing one fingered on an iPad.

Nice productivity stupid

It looks like Super Mario Bros 3 is on the screen in the upper right of the Dave shots.

Annnnnnd taken down

I watched it late last night and laughed. Landau's delivery is annoying but even some of his jokes were okay too. Sometimes Anthony and Keith should let this stuff go for promotional purposes. An extended clip like that may actually rope people in to their garbage service. Anthony springs to life when trashing Opie and suddenly does a broadcast worth paying attention to again.

It was fucking insufferable. A has been yelling at the top of his lungs about his has been ex partner.

Any of ya'll got one of them mirrors handy?

Ya'll got one of them there mirrors?

If you feel like that I'd suggest not watching it at all.

Dave Landau's fat wife thinks the scale is the worst