Christ is Anthony bad now. He just repeats shit Dave says.

42  2018-08-01 by BeigeFrequency


Landau isn't exactly lightning-fast, is he?

It's better than Anthony repeating everything like Lady Di.

Anthony is no better. "So you're saying, [insert shitty edgy death joke] is better than Gregg "Opie" Hughes radio?" Fucking abysmal non-funny dreck

I am certainly no compound media subscriber.

All in the process of denying he’s doing old O&A bits.

Landau's wife is a big fat fucking piggy.

Thanks dude!

Ant being this upset about Opie today makes me think Opie was accurate about the 18k subs. How can skin be that thin while also being so acne scarred?

He’s yelling at the boogeyman it’s hilarious

The reality version is more embarrassing than the satire. Why is this old man yelling?

Its what niggers do best.

Good god...

The funniest thing about Ant's show is the copy paper spread all over. Use a laptop you old fuck.

It's very confusing. He has this space age green screen background but then paper strewn everywhere.

"Space age" is this code-word for 1960s technology that doesn't belong on a podcast?

According to Anthony, no blacks were involved with the Apollo missions... so maybe?

His always yelling voice makes is extremely annoying. Just relax and stop trying so hard to be an excited TV show-guy.

I like how when they cut to Dave the camera is always centered between him and an empty chair.

The cuts between Anthony's scar hiding soft focus and Dave's clear focus is really unpleasant.

Just in case Artie forgot he was fired and shows up.

Why is that guy co-host? What does he add?

He used to be really funny as the co-host of O&A but he's way past his prime.

That's Detroit's finest open mic comedian. He's fond of the larger lady and his list of credits include getting bitched out and called a "plough-fucker" on J&S by Kevin Brennan.

Dave landau isnt ready for prime time

I don't care for Dave Landau, his obese wife, or his psychobilly Nekromantix haircut

This show is just so unpleasant.

“Echo Anthony” — Rich Vos

He just needs to return to the hyena laugh, reunite with opie and it will come full circle.

I love hearing people bashing Opie more than anything. I had to skip through parts and probably heard about 5 minutes total. This is fucking terrible, hang it up Ant.

Do you think he just repeats shit that Dave says?

Anthony hasn't been good in about 9 years.

That faggot Landau laughs exactly like Bobo.

This is the first time I've ever heard Landau speak and he's just as nondescript in every imaginable way as I I would've guessed. Not a single thing about him stands out except for his penchant for marrying farm animals

A middle aged man who wears nothing but nofx t shirts, i mean that's pretty cool

He really had a lot of balls calling out Opie for having shit equipment (LOOK BEHIND YOU FUCKHEAD) and doing no show prep. The two of them deserve everything bad that happens to them, perhaps more tha that!

Dave looks like "that dude" that hit on your gf at the bar when you were like 22, and he's the age he is now. He drives around in an old Chevelle that's beat to shit, but he thinks it's badass and will impress people. When you get in it, the ceiling fabric is all hanging down and he goes "ah, never mind that."

Drinking does that with age

Just couldn't bring myself to listen to this shit. 2 minutes in and I had to give up. It's depressing for all of them at this point.

He just needs to return to the hyena laugh, reunite with opie and it will come full circle.