Think of all the time and money Anthony could have saved by putting his show on youtube.

139  2018-08-01 by BeigeFrequency

Nobody would be complaining about glitchy apps, broken websites or RSS feeds. He would actually have an audience of over 100,000. There is small but not inconceivable chance he could have become a major player in the right wing new media uprising that occurred over the last few years. In theory, we might have seen Anthony Cumia's name mentioned alongside Alex Jones instead of a footnote on his youtube channel.


Joe Rogan told him. Ant didn't listen.

Rogan was baffled he was putting himself behind a paywall.

Like most niggers, Ant thinks he knows better than the guy who gets 20 million views per episode.

Regardless of how people feel about Rogan, he generally gives good advice with regards to building an audience and a sustainable platform.

He's directly driven the success of countless people and podcasts (essentially every west coast comedian with a show, as well as fringe historians, and dullard hunters some of whom run for a long time, among others).

Instead Anthony decided to piss his money into building his own platform from the ground up and throwing it behind a paywall so he could do cornball Asian impressions, talk politics and freely throw around slurs with no-names.

Anthony steered hard into the least entertaining aspects of his personality, and he's paying the price every day for it.

Imagine being so addicted to being racist that you throw away millions of dollars just to do it.

Rogan and Corolla did it right and actually put in the effort.

he also releases on every podcast platform around and likely has many many more listeners on top of that

Anthony steered hard into the least entertaining aspects of his personality, and he's paying the price every day for it.

Exactly. That's the hilarious thing about his show: it showcases the least entertaining aspects of his personality. He's not Twitter Ant, angrily spewing truth from every orifice and he isn't funny Ant, riffing it up with the comedy club crowd. He's a boring dullard playing host to whatever F-list schlub he can find who doesn't have a career to ruin by doing his show. AND he charges for it. It's like it was deliberately designed to fail.

Ego. He thinks he's better than everyone there. He's never really hit rock bottom. He never will because he has too many sycophants and mind numbing helpers.

It must be exhausting being on the staff at CM. Pretending things are the best they've been. Pretending they dont read the sub.

Ant still probably would've fond a way to fuck everything up.

Fond a way?

Nice typo, jackass.

That's no the bit, you dope.

Nice _, stupid is played out and boring. As leader of the sub I ban all future use of it.

Do you think we need to be steered?

Nice decree stupid.


Gavin leaving was the final nail in that potential coffin

At this point, the coffin is inevitable.

Now it's just a coffin. The low budget wood kind.

why did he leave anyway?

caught anthony hitting on his kids this a sub joke or is this real?

I doubt very seriously he'd have over 100,000 viewers. His content would still be shit.

He would have saved a ton of money though.

It's youtube. The shittiest content is usually the most viewed.

Can a nigga get a part 4 up in this bitch?

It's coming

An episode on Bobo would be great.

I definitely want to but I'm going to take a break from the O&A universe after ACDW wraps up.

That's the real point. His content would be shit and he'd actually have to work to build an income and audience.

Ant is easily the most lazy of the on air talent of the O&A universe.


They would have booted him off in under a week.

If they didn’t boot he would have been demonetized which would be slightly less than he makes now. I wouldn’t watch that shit show for free.

Which has always been his explanation for why they didn't go that route

Alex Jones is still around and the only reason youtube has been censoring him lately is because he lies all the time. If Anthony had gone straight to youtube he would have seen 3 years without being demonitized. By that time he could have opened a patreon or gone the infowars snake oil route.

Alex Jones is not an open and virulent racist, though.

All Alex Jones does is talk about lizard people, satanic politicians and sell bad products, he's a joke that Youtube views as a joke.

Anthony is a racist pedophile who has wet dreams about shooting Africans and expresses that to his audience.

There's a difference.

You can do the subscription model on there too, but then THE LIBERAL MEDIA WOULD BE TAKING SOME OF MY HARD EARNED INCOME MAAAAAN

In all fairness (I can't believe I just said that) a big part missing on O&A was the clips when they were making fun of tv or yt, at least CP media has that, couldn't do it on yt. Let alone the racial stuff.

So you're saying you loved when they took an hour to go through a 3 minute YT video?

VideoandA came in handy then.

Sometimes. When it was good.

While some content wouldn't be monetizeable on YT, he could have easily built a paying audience, sold merch, etc. He would have done better than most current podcasts

He’s too incendiary for YouTube. Did you see that “cold, dead cans” joke earlier? Too real for the sjw safe space crowd.

Hey, but did you see that book cover? They can try all they want to silence him and lock him up, he'll still speak truth from a microphone in prison.

This comment (followed by a loud "Yuck!") is exactly the kind of joke Jimmy- or maybe Anthony- would've made 10 years ago about some other douchebag who had come out with as cringey a book cover as Anthony's one.

I'm not even shitting on your comment, just pointing out what a complete joke Anthony has become. He used to tear apart people who acted as much of a dickhead as he is now.

didn't he make fun of Mancow for becoming a right wing talk radio host?

Probably. He also used to laugh it up at Alex Jones's expense and look how that panned out.

They were being hypocrites at the time though.

Half the stuff they made fun of people for on Jocktober was stuff they did every show.

cold, dead cans


He can barely keep a Twitter account for more than 3 months, you think YouTube would be OK with his shit show?

also paywall.

He should have made it free when he lost Artie. Ant thinking people are going to pay 9 bucks to hear him and Dave Landau speak is his most retarded move yet.

He boxed himself into a corner. He couldn’t resist the short term gratification of incoming subscription fees and now it would be too painful to give them up even if it’s just tens of thousands of dollars a month. If he had half a brain he would at least air one episode a week for free on YouTube to grow an audience. I will go on record with the unpopular position that I don’t think he nor Keith are very business savvy.

For all the hell we give him, Ant must be monetizing his neckbeards/boomers’ loyalty somehow (ads, selling personal info/data, etc), because he’s flat refused any reasonable shot at growing his audience.

What’s the worst that could happen; he’d lose money? He’s likely already doing that.

Anthony has an 11th grade education and his only real life work experience outside of "radio sidekick" was that of an untrained laborer.

So of course he's dumb enough to think "I worked in radio for 20 years. Therefore I will apply the infallible satellite radio subscription model to my own grassroots empire, and will continue right where I left off until the goddamned libs and minorities took me out for being too controversial and speaking the truth."

He took the concept of "pay radio" and thought all he has to do is slip himself in there in there as the commodity, and the economics and other minutia would just sort itself out.

Anthony has the entrepreneurial foresight of a 6 year old.

An 11th grade education is enough to give someone with common sense the tools they need to achieve.

Ant does not have common sense, he does not have street smarts, he has nothing of intellectual value or experience to contribute to anything.

He would probably have been kicked off youtube by now, but thats more than enough time to expand your audience exponentially, then when youtube bans him he could drum up some right-wing outrage and transition into a pay model. He really is a dope.

Question is, wopuld he really have an audience of over 100,000 people?? Somehow I doubt it & I even aint hating on the pedo.

I think he could have. My incompetent ass has reached tens of thousands because of the momentum of O&A that still exists in 2018. Anthony going full time on youtube in 2014 would have blown the fuck up.

SaiyanZ that you??

Joking aside maybe, O&A was huge so maybe it could have happened. But podcasts weren't all that back then & I understand why he went that route but now?? Tell someone you pay for a podcast & watch everyone laugh at you. Dude should fire Keith & pay Rogan Keith's year salary on how to get his shit started. Funny thing Rogan loved Ant's setup when Ant started Compound & wanted the same thing & did better going free haha sucks to be a Cumia

Podcasts have been huge on Youtube since 2012.

The first show after Anthony got fired when they had Ronnie B on, Ronnie said that Ant was in a perfect position to become a right wing Jon Stewart, if he didn't fuck it up.

Spoiler: He fucked it up.

Ant was in a perfect position to become a right wing Jon Stewart

Holy shit. He was. Damn he fucked up.

I guess Crowder took that spot.

No one would listen to Ant when they can listen to the right-wing meme spewing pretty boys on Youtube.

we might have seen Anthony Cumia's name mentioned alongside Alex Jones

for saying what? HA HA HA HOLY SHIT LOOK AT BOBO?

yah but than he cant get into hottubs with porn stars AND THATS WHAT THE FANS WANT WHIP EM OUT WED WOOOO

He would rather talk about black crime statistics behind a paywall.

Anthony woukd have been demonetized and he would have been taken down because he loves playing clips that get dmca violations. Hes dumb but not that dumb

Yeah, but he wants to say nigger.

He could've made a killing off of super chats. Could have crossed over into the alt right for even more shekles!

Considering those cocksuckers took down the LOS channel it isn't am option anymore