Opie isn't a fan of Jim and Sam

57  2018-08-01 by Dennyislife


He's not wrong.

Still a twat though

he had a week to prepare and the best he could come up with is what he had for breakfast and off season football talk. still better than jim & sam probably.

Just when you think Opie can’t be anymore delusional, he shows he’s a bottomless pit of ego and delusional thinking. There’s no way he’s in therapy, he’s too cheap to pay for that let alone to have the balls to be honest about anything.


For a guy that’s been broadcasting for 30 years , he really did a shitty job of articulating what was supposed to be a deep spiritual experience, what can you expect from a person who lacks a soul.

BWAHAHA! Did you hear the hilarious way he pronounced Heroin? Thasabesso

That's my favorite part about this; he's ended up exactly where he belongs. And he still can't see it. He's never the problem, and he never will be.

Where the fuck do these bootlicking sycophants in his replies come from?  

They are acting out because Sirius called you.   How the fuck can someone actually believe that?

Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia. You know, Indochina.

Ah, yes. The Mexicans of Asia.

Well who is a fan of that low-effort mess?

Just a shame that Tits was difficult to work with in the first place.

I'd rather listen to my mom's eulogy than the Jim and Sam show.

Yeah same. I'd rather listen to your mom's eulogy too.

Ok, Jim Norton

I am not that man.

Roland just took a shot at tits

I like Opie more than faggot sam and Worm norton these days anyways.

Opie is one of us.

Don’t even joke about that shit.

Opie idea of preparing for the show was reading the papers.

Jim and Sam is reading Twitter/news sites.

Neither show could claim to be well researched or informed

I'm all in with the Opester.

score one for the piss-wiper

I fockin' toldja I wasn't the problem in the end. SNIFF

No one is.


I mean it's like picking between getting shot and stabbed to death with the choice of listening to either of these shows, but is Opie actually shitting on people for not doing SHOW PREP?! He bragged about not doing any show prep for 10+ years!

Beyond that, if he claims to be doing any prep for his podcast, I can't imagine what it would consist of. He does the same uninformed, rambling, relying-on-everyone-else-for-content shitfest every week. At least that what I gather from the rundowns. I sure as fuck don't listen.

He doesn’t know how to prepare for a show. He has no idea how to edit audio, come up with bits, or work the board for that matter. All he knew was to press a bottom to answer phone calls.

press a bottom to answer phone calls.

That sounds hot.

Botton*, thank you for your service.

He also knew how to press another button to hang up. That's 100% more skill than you just gave him credit for.

And nearly 100% of the time going to the phones wasn’t necessary and wrecked the flow of the show especially if they had a full house. It was just another one of Opie’s passive aggressive tactics to get attention and stick it to everyone else.

Fuck off, Dave you fucking insecure untalented asshole.


If you're doing something right, nobody will know that you did any prep at all, brothaman!

Says guy who stands on windy corners shouting over traffic noise into his phone and calls it a show.

I was just listening to his latest show for the laffs and about 10min in they had to cut out because he was walking down the street and some "wind turbine" turned on and messed up the audio. So this stupid radio-voice guy from Westwood comes on to interject then it goes back to the show.

Real professional set up you got going there Opie.

Coming from a guy who always "did a hang" and leaned on everyone else for any kind of content

You know when Opie starts making sense you're in trouble. If Sirius resigns Jim & Sam for mornings, as is, they are fucking dopes. Covino & Rich would be better or any show that resembles a morning radio show. The Jim Norton dramatic fag fest is on it's last leg.

I always wonder how many of these Twitter "fans" interacting with Opie and actually Opie. He's slipped up and spoken in the 3rd person a few times. I bet he's running 10-15 of those accounts.

Oh shit. GO OFF KING


so you need to indriectly reference Jim and Sam to get Opie to really open up.. interesting...

Even a guy with no awareness whatsoever sees that.

J&S is worst than a high school student radio program.

He's not wrong.

Well it was actually Vos that made the comment this morning.

Jimmy does lots of prep

At what point will this sub completely flip and hate Ant and Jim and love Gregg for being right about them?

"we need to make a compilation of people saying 'are we on the air'" ----show preparation opie

How long before Jim responds on twitter with some passive aggressive comment that does not directly bash Opie unless you are "in the know."

Opie is terrible, but he is not wrong here.

He's actually been talking directly about Opie recently. Today he brought up how Opie didn't like doing radio with atell when vos brought up Opie didn't like doing radio with him

Opie is right that they don't prepare, but Opie never prepared either.

Both shows fucking suck. (Never listened to Greggs shit, but I just read a synopsis of the latest episode and can confidently conclude that his show is shite)


He really is an infuriating hypocrite.

Nobody is.

To be fair, they make fun of him often. To be fair again, Opie doesn't prepare shit but is also terrible at improv or humor/entertainment. He spends days driving around and bothering people in public only to get 1 hour of bad material.

Stop spamming your gay channel.

Start making your own videos so I can link them.


is @opiefan a bit? also opies the one bringing random acquaintances off the street on his “show”

I wish they would all just set aside their feud and find common ground. The common ground being that they all stink.

Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia. You know, Indochina.

Beyond that, if he claims to be doing any prep for his podcast, I can't imagine what it would consist of. He does the same uninformed, rambling, relying-on-everyone-else-for-content shitfest every week. At least that what I gather from the rundowns. I sure as fuck don't listen.


Ah, yes. The Mexicans of Asia.

If you're doing something right, nobody will know that you did any prep at all, brothaman!