Rich Vos is taking his shirt of again on J&S

8  2018-08-01 by RBuddCumia

Riveting radio


nice off, stupid

Oops. Mods don’t ban me for my lack of “f”. Wouldn’t want to offend anyone.

Shut up retard

Awful bit, it's just faggot Sam mocking Vos for being ripped while he has an awful body

That's why I don't get the bit. Vos is an Adonis compared to the CroMagnon slob and Verne Troyer with AIDs.

Wouldn't it make more sense to mock Sam's progeria like condition?

Sam thinks Vos is a silly fool for going to the gym and being in shape, because it's not him. People keep laughing at this shit and he plows forward.

How is anyone aware of what's happening on the show at this point?

I saw the tweet. I wouldn’t dare listen.

Ugh, it's even worse that they're tweeting this like it's some sort of event.

Do you really think any of the higher ups are even listening? They know it’s safe bullshit. Neither one is gonna rock the boat. Jim enjoys his current life style and Sam couldn’t survive in the real world. I hate to admit it, but it’s incredibly likely they’ll be re-signed in the fall, not because it’s a quality product but because it’s filler and cheap.

No, of course not. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I cared enough to even think about the company, much less it's higher ups. I assumed Sam or some douche behind the scenes tweeted about a shirtless Vos.

It’s most likely Sam, he thoroughly enjoys putting other men in uncomfortable homoerotic positions. It’s his way of trying to alpha other men. I’m sure he’s the one that had the interns come in shirtless for Jim’s Birthday.

I can tolerate that 10min routine because Vos generally makes great appearances.

...taking his shirt of what, exactly?

No, of course not. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I cared enough to even think about the company, much less it's higher ups. I assumed Sam or some douche behind the scenes tweeted about a shirtless Vos.