Sam would look so much better if he just shaved his head.

29  2018-08-01 by RBuddCumia


And his eyebrows

he's more jacked than i am

These guys can literally tear a human being in half—Jamie pull that up.

If that was coming at you in the dark you'd shit your pants so hard.

Nah, you could just hold up a hamburger and it would run away.

easy there Roseanne

I appreciate it but it just doesn't seem mean enough to me. There is a serious lacking in the creativity of hate for Sam. I see TV dinners and people saying "chicken tendies" and making fun of him for having a loving mother and it just falls flat.

Sure.. he looks like a monkey.. but it doesn't satisfy the burning hate I have for someone who believes they actually deserve the type of money he's making with Jimmy.

He look good