This might be a little embarrassing to James Gunn fans.

5  2018-08-01 by Vulgardervish


She did her own little apology tour for it when she was writing for that feminist xoJane site. It would still be helpful to tell people who don't know that she was once the live in girlfriend of a woman beating, Nazi memorabilia enthusiast pedophile.

I'm already sending it to the Star Wars nerds that are mad at Disney and want blood for killing Luke.

I like when she forgot to log out and left a comment about how great the article was. Anyone have that still?


What a dumb bitch.

She's always been a starfucker and social climber, but she did give us the Sue Lightning truth and what life was like living with an alcoholic pedophile:

A fan of the era!

Sorry, I accidentally deleted this comment instead of editing that you replied to: She did her own little apology tour for it when she was writing for that feminist xoJane site. It would still be helpful to tell people who don't know that she was once the live in girlfriend of a woman beating, Nazi memorabilia enthusiast pedophile

Because of how ugly she is?

Idk if it's just the reminder of 6 million jews burning but I'd say she's a looker.

she was just following orders