Brian Gilgore has somehow become uglier and less likable

6  2018-07-31 by koizumi_san



He's an Islamic extremist running a rogue homosexual splinter cell.

damn the new tom clancy game sounds sweet

Now you're just talking about Anthony

He is a podcaster most famous for going on Bill Burr-style rants

He’s most famous for trying to be liked in this sub and failing miserably.

Nice assessment, stupid.

Does the FBI know about this guy?

Warn someone that the pic is going to be so BIG. That was a shocking disgust to encounter at that size! He's not an attractive man.Get a nose job, stupid.

Hobbit lookin' motherfucker.

Remember Gilgores Trout? Thought that guy would never quit.

Why is it that every fat nerd grows the same disgusting style beard? A beard not attached to your mustache looks terrible. A beard when you have no hair on your cheeks looks terrible. A chin strap of any length looks terrible.

If your hair is patchy and you can't grow a full beard, then do not grow a beard. Jesus.

You said it, man.

That’s not a good nose

He's morphing into Stinks

I guess Jesus really was a jew

"damn those O&A ghouls for giving any resemblance of popularity"

Cousin It/molerat lookin motherfucker