0  2018-07-31 by PatCooperIsNotWhite


Every fucking day with this shit.






No more of this "I'm a moderator on reddit our important decisions are not privy to the civilians".

One of you fucking mods reply to this post and explain why u/PatCooperisNotWhite is allowed to spam this sub every. fucking. day. As much as he wants. And you're happy to let him do so.

There's fucking five of you. One of you explain to me the reasoning behind obsessing over any post about Kumail Nanjiani but letting this fucking autist spam our sub with White Nationalist memes. What's the reasoning, what's the logic? Enough with this "the civilians need to be kept in the dark".

u/TheToolMan, you posted 38 minutes ago in the Colts subreddit. So I know you're on reddit now. Why in the fuck are you assholes protecting billion shekel supreme?

^ Imagine spending 2 and a half hours a day for the rest of your life using dildos to keep a wound from healing

...Go on...

Honestly now, enough with the LE RANDUM xD shit

You have such a problem with "le sneaky jew media" spreading left-wing pro-diversity propaganda, right? Forcing it onto TV, movies, news, video games, blah blah blah. That's the whole point of your edgy little sub, right?

Do you see how you spreading White Nationalist anti-diversity propaganda might be annoying to those who don't obsess over the things you do?

Do I have it wrong? Can you snap out of the Pewdiepie millennial twitch streamer character for just a moment and explain things like an adult?

^ How am I a bigger problem than people like this? lololol

I mean to be fair the Jews do do that

We get it. You were -2017- and andrewjacksonjihadz before that. What do you even get from posting here? It's not like we could have a good response to trolling. Your chest a sad little mentally ill man talking to nobody.


/u/BigGreenYamo you have consistently demonstrated that you are the most transparent mod here. Would you care to give us an answer?

It's exactly what everyone thinks it is. One mod seems to be really on top of anything SJW related and will remove that shit in a heartbeat, even though there are currently 200+ posts in the modqueue from the past 12 days. Another one supports the arbitrary removal of posts that are considered "off-topic".

This got ugly after the street shitter post got removed. I was "throwing people under the bus" for saying "I wasn't the one who removed it". I tried to get the one responsible to explain themselves in the thread, or even add the "off topic posts will be removed" into the sidebar. No dice. Then, the same one who won't take credit/explain anything/is worried about "getting thrown under the bus" keeps telling me to get the fuck over it, and ignore the user comments.

So. ToolMan and SpaceEdge - THIS is me actually throwing you under the bus. Just remember...."ignore the users" and "who gives a shit what they say?"

Because they're lazy as fuck assholes. Seriously, we need to make our own subreddit with mods that aren't retarded faggots or one of us that isn't a retarded faggot needs to be made a mod.

I'd be a mod but I don't think the sub would go for my weekly Japanese Iron Chef stickies.

A single Iron Chef sticky a week would be a small price too pay if we got a mod who actually did something about the abject faggotry of the BSS/MDE basement dwellers.

I support /u/andycumiashow for mod! Just don't dox Brian Gilgore like the last guy.

Everyone is sick of it!

None of what u/PatCooperisNotWhite posts is interesting or edgy, it’s try-hard racist with no entertainment value whatsoever. No one is laughing bud, not because we’re not racist enough, because we absolutely fucking are, but because you’re massively unfunny.

Right now this sub is sitting at 60-40 good posts to bad posts. But unless the mods take control and smash faggotry on a regular basis, it’s going to go massively downhill.

I say it either gets fixed or we find a new sub/platform

I was literally going to comment this. I’ll admit Racism Watchdog sometimes catches genuine racism but the overwhelming majority of the time it barks at bullshit and his thousands of mindless followers swarm someone for a controversial statement, not a racist one.

How in the fuck does anything you just said pertain to what I wrote? Are you not well?

You snivelling faggots won't get it, but this is best ridiculed by referencing Jay Sherman's schedule on The Critic:

'We should go to lunch'

'Let me see if I can fit you in.' checks schedule



When you wrote that, did you rub your tiny balls together and say, “Got that sniveling faggot real good.”

Shockingly unfunny reference to an a terrible cartoon no one has ever watched seriously.

I hope you take your edgelord manic depressive bipolar bullshit anywhere else. Eat a dick and die you useless waste of dick breath.

Serious question for you: do you have any friends (I mean in real life, not your internet pals), or anything resembling a social life? And why are you so fixated on luring us into this niche internet subculture of yours?

Enough already. I'm so bored of this middle school 4chan bullshit.

^ How am I a bigger problem than people like this? lololol

I mean to be fair the Jews do do that