On today's Anthony Cumia Show

29  2018-07-31 by Compound_MediaPR


Good luck being able to download the audio. The last few episodes haven't worked.

Fucking finally. A true A-lister.

They had a decent run of guests for a while, once they finally dumped the junkie. It's settled back to relative obscurity now though.

Fucking Morton should be going on there 2-3 times a month if he loves Ant so much.

Who did they have on? Not busting your balls. Anything actually worth listening to?

Bobby Kelly, Nick DiPaolo, Florentine, E-Rock, Mecurio, Iseman, Vosh, Adam Ferrara. More here.

Just a shame that they tend to settle for older has-beens and young nobodies. Pretty meh.

None of these are worth listening to.

No, I haven't listened, and I can confirm that there was nothing of value

Once they get the studio in the city, Jimmy will be in every day!


Oh shit, today's a Joe D ep??

Who's got the link?

Forehead: big clump of garbage

Rest of head: peesa gawbidge

His promo art gives Japanese children seizures.

The show was spoiled before you showed up, amirite fellas?

Bobo actually looks pretty good with a beard

Biggest recent star since Bob Levy and Dave Smith.