My Nana giving a speech at her care home today. So proud.

64  2018-07-31 by Dennyislife



Nana's not looking too good. I'm sorry to have to say this but you may want to look into one of those assisted suicide doctors in europe.

Don't know what picture you're looking at. That dye job on her Nana-fro makes her look 5 years younger.

It's a lovely hue of orange.

He's channelling his inner Silvio Dante.

I put cheese in my socks so they smell like Sue's cock in the morning?

Our true enemy. Has yet. To reveal himself.

Care home? Is that the shitty British way of saying nursing home?


We use nursing home and care home. I thought you silly English mangelers used both too. Ah well.

It's amazing how much better looking that women at the back gets, once you see Halloween Nana.

Awww...bless her heart!

She doesn't look like she has much time left so it's cool to know you canstay politically active very late in life. Inspiring, and God bless

Jeffrey Tambor with AIDS

is that nikki glaser in the back?

is this shooped? I really hope for Ant's sake that this one is shooed.


We use nursing home and care home. I thought you silly English mangelers used both too. Ah well.